Page 72 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 72
3. Brownian mo on and diff usion 4. Boiling and evapora on
5. Condensa on and deposi on
B. Read the given experiment carefully. Iden fy the incorrect parts of the experiment.
To show that a liquid expands on hea ng and contracts on cooling
• Take a beaker and fi ll it with coloured water.
• Close the mouth of the beaker using a lid.
• Fix a capillary steel tube through a hole in the lid. The tube should be dipped in water.
• Check and note the water level in the capillary tube.
• Now heat the beaker by placing it in a water bath.
You will observe that the level of the coloured water drops down in the capillary tube.
This shows that liquid does not expand on hea ng.
C. Answer in detail.
1. With the help of an ac vity show that ma er has mass.
2. Write a note on states of ma er.
3. Give an ac vity to show that solids have defi nite volume.
4. With the help of an ac vity show that liquids have defi nite volume but not fi xed shape.
5. Explain the existence of three states of ma er.
6. State the factors responsible for the diff erence in proper es of states of ma er.
7. What do you understand by change in states of ma er? How does this happen?
8. How does water on hea ng change into vapour state?
9. Explain the thermal expansion in solids, liquids and gases.
10. How is a chemical change caused due to hea ng? Explain with the help of an example.
Observe the given images carefully and answer the following ques ons.
meter scale
infl ated
balloons balloon
infl ated
(a) What is shown in the given image?
(b) How is the given ac vity performed?
(c) Why does the meter scale lt towards the infl ated balloon when the other balloon is pricked?
(d) Which property of ma er is shown here?