Page 70 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 70

Quick Review

                    •  Ma  er has mass and occupies space.
                    •  Ma  er exists in three states—solid, liquid and gas. These three states of ma  er are diff erent because
                       the molecules present in them are arranged in diff erent ways.

                    •  The intermolecular force of a  rac  on decreases as the distance between the molecules increases.
                    •  Solids have defi nite shape, mass and volume.
                    •  Liquids have defi nite volume but not fi xed shape and they are free fl owing.
                    •  Gases neither have defi nite shape nor defi nite volume and they can move in all direc  ons.
                    •  The diff erence in proper  es of states of ma  er is due to intermolecular space, cohesive forces and
                       random mo  on of par  cles (diff usion and Brownian mo  on).
                    •  On hea  ng a substance, following things take place: change in states of ma  er, thermal expansion of
                       the substance and chemical change.


                 BE PROMPT

                 A.  Fill in the blanks.

                       1.  Mass is the measure of ___________ of ma  er contained in a substance.
                       2.  _____________ is a force that tends to oppose mo  on.
                       3.  Liquids are _______________ because the molecules are loosely packed.
                       4.  In gases, the intermolecular forces between the molecules are very ____________.

                       5.  The space between the molecules of a substance is called ______________________________.
                       6.  _____________ is the gaseous state of a solid.

                 B.  State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1. Ma  er is composed of extremely small par  cles.
                       2.  A molecule has an independent existence and also exhibits all the proper  es of ma  er.
                       3.  Liquids have strong forces of a  rac  on.

                       4.  Solids have less density than liquids.
                       5. The par  cles in gases move rapidly in all direc  ons.
                       6. Brownian mo  on is caused by the collision of molecules.

                 C.  Choose the correct op  on.
                       1.  Which of the following statements is not true for mass?
                           (a)  It is the quan  ty of ma  er.                (b)  It is constant everywhere.
                           (c)  It is the amount of force of gravity ac  ng on the mass.
                           (d)  It cannot be zero.
                       2.  __________ refers to the intermingling of par  cles of diff erent substances on their own.
                           (a) Combining             (b) Mixing              (c) Refi ning            (d)  Diff usion

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