Page 65 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 65

intermolecular forces between the molecules. Then the molecules break free and begin to move around
                 even faster. At this stage ice changes into water. This process is mel  ng. In other words, the process of
                 conversion of a solid into its liquid state is known as mel  ng.
                 Mel  ng point: The en  re conversion process occurs at a constant temperature. The constant temperature
                 at which a solid changes into a liquid is called its mel  ng point. The mel  ng point of a solid is a measure
                 of the strength of the intermolecular forces between its molecules.

                 Change of a Liquid to a Solid

                 Freezing or solidifi ca  on: When water is kept in a freezer,           Thirst for Knowledge
                 it loses heat. Due to loss of heat, the energy of molecules
                 decreases, their movement slows down and they come               •  The numerical value of mel  ng point
                 closer to each other. In some   me, a stage is reached when         and freezing point is the same.
                 the movement of molecules becomes so slow that water             •  The mel  ng point of ice and the
                                                                                     freezing point of water is 0°C.
                 changes into ice. This process of conversion of a liquid into
                 a solid is called freezing or solidifi ca  on.
                 Freezing point: Freezing or solidifi ca  on occurs at a constant temperature. The constant temperature at
                 which a liquid changes into a solid is called its freezing point.

                 Change of a Liquid to a Gas

                 Vaporiza  on: The process by which a liquid changes into its gaseous or vapour state is called vaporiza  on.
                 Vaporiza  on is of two types—evapora  on and boiling.
                 Evapora  on: Evapora  on occurs at all temperatures. During evapora  on, a liquid gains heat energy from
                 its surroundings and changes into vapour state. When water (liquid) is
                 heated, it changes to water vapour or steam (gas).

                 Boiling: When water is heated, its molecules gain heat energy and start
                 moving away from each other. As temperature increases, a stage is reached
                 when the molecules gain so much energy that they leave the surface and
                 change into water vapour or steam (gas). This process of change of a liquid
                 to its gaseous state on hea  ng is called boiling.                                 Fig. 3.8:  Boiling of water

                 Boiling point: Similar to mel  ng and freezing, boiling also occurs at a constant temperature. The constant
                 temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas is called its boiling point.

                                          Table 3.3: Diff erences between Boiling and Evapora  on
                                        Boiling                                            Evaporation

                  •  Boiling occurs at a given temperature called boiling   •  Evaporation takes place at all temperatures lower
                     point of the liquid.                                 than the boiling point of the liquid.
                  •  It is a rapid process.                            •  It is a slow process.
                  •  It occurs throughout the liquid.                  •  It takes place only from the surface of the liquid.
                  •  There is no cooling caused during boiling.        •  Cooling is caused during evaporation.

                  •  It occurs only when the liquid is heated.         •  It takes place on its own.

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