Page 62 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 62

Property                 Solids                       Liquids                       Gases

                  Compressibility    Solids are almost incom-    Liquids can be compressed to   Gases can be compressed
                                     pressible.                  some extent.                   easily.

                  Diffusion          Solids do not diffuse.      Liquids diffuse slowly.        Gases diffuse quickly.
                  Density            Solids have high density.   Liquids have low density.      Gases have very low density.



                 The molecules are closely packed in solids. The force of a  rac  on between the molecules is very strong
                 and the space between them is very small. As a result, the molecules are not able to move freely. They
                 vibrate about their mean posi  ons. It is due to this reason that solids are hard and incompressible, and
                 thus have a defi nite shape and size.


                 The molecules are not very closely packed in liquids. They do not have strong intermolecular forces of
                 a  rac  on. As a result, the intermolecular spaces are compara  vely larger, that allow the molecules to
                 move freely. This makes the liquid fl ow and take the shape of the container into which it is poured. Thus,
                 liquids have a defi nite volume but no defi nite shape.

                 The molecules lie far apart from each other and hardly a  ract each other in gases. Therefore, the
                 intermolecular spaces are very large. The molecules move rapidly as the intermolecular force of a  rac  on
                 is very weak. As a result, gases neither have a defi nite shape nor a fi xed volume. The gases can be
                 compressed easily.

                 Reasons for Differences in Properties of Three States of Matter

                 The diff erence in proper  es of states of ma  er is due to the following factors.
                     • Intermolecular space            •  Cohesive forces or intermolecular forces
                     • Random mo  on of par  cles

                 Intermolecular Space

                 Intermolecular space is the space between the par  cles of ma  er. This space is almost negligible in solids.

                 Cohesive Forces or Intermolecular Forces

                 Cohesive forces are the intermolecular forces (a  rac  ve      Know Your Scientist
                 forces) that exist between molecules of the same
                                                                                Robert Brown, a Sco   sh botanist discovered
                 substance. The cohesive forces in solids are strong. Some      the random movement of par  cles. Thus, this
                 liquids such as mercury also possess strong cohesive           mo  on of par  cles is known as the Brownian
                 forces.                                                        mo  on.
                 Random Motion of Particles

                 The random mo  on of par  cles induces diff usion and Brownian mo  on.

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