Page 61 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 61

Activity 3.10

                 Aim: To show that gases can be compressed easily whereas solids cannot be compressed and liquids can
                 be compressed a li  le
                 Materials required: Three-20 mL syringes, 3 rubber cork, some water, some fl our or sand

                   •  Take three-20 mL syringes.
                   •  Block their nozzles with rubber corks as shown in the fi gure.

                   •  Remove the pistons from the syringes.
                   •  Leave the fi rst syringe empty, fi ll water in the second syringe and wheat fl our or
                       sand in the third syringe.
                   •  Insert the pistons back into the syringes.

                   •  Try to compress the contents of the syringes by pushing the piston in each
                 Observa  on: The piston could be pushed easily in the fi rst syringe which was empty because it contained
                 air. The piston of the second syringe which contained water moved in a li  le on applying the pressure. The
                 piston of the third syringe containing solid did not move in at all.

                 Conclusion: This shows that gases are highly compressible, liquids are only slightly compressible and
                 solids cannot be compressed at all.

                                                          Thirst for Knowledge

                      Some examples of compressed gases are listed below.
                      • LPG (Liquefi ed Petroleum Gas) that we use in our houses for cooking
                      •  Oxygen supplied to hospitals, mountaineers and sea divers in cylinders
                      •  CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) used as fuel in vehicles

                                       Table 3.2: Dis  nguishing Features of Solids, Liquids and Gases
                      Property                 Solids                       Liquids                       Gases

                  Intermolecular     The molecules are closely   The molecules are less closely   The molecules are further
                  space              packed.                     packed.                        apart.
                  Intermolecular     The intermolecular force of   The intermolecular force of   The intermolecular force of
                  force of attraction  attraction is very strong.  attraction is not so strong.  attraction is weak.

                  Shape              Solids have deϐinite shape.  Liquids do not have deϐinite   Gases do not have deϐinite
                                                                 shape. They take the shape of the  shape. They ϐill the entire
                                                                 container they are kept in.    space available.
                  Volume             Solids have deϐinite volume.  Liquids have deϐinite volume.  Gases do not have deϐinite
                  Fluidity           Solids do not ϐlow.         Liquids are free ϐlowing.      Gases ϐlow in all directions.

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