Page 73 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 73

2.                           B

                                 precipitation C
                                                evaporation            (a)  What does the given image represent?
                                                                       (b)  Write the change in state of ma  er for the
                                                                            processes A, B, C and D.


                   APPLY YOUR LEARNING                                    LIFE SKILLS

                   A.  Siddharth adds sand into the glass tumbler due to   A.  In a group of three or four students, perform
                      which the level of water in the tumbler increases.     an ac  vity to show interconversion of three
                      Why does it happen?                                    states of water. Also create a presenta  on on
                   B.  The intermolecular force and the intermolecular       the ac  vity. Add related informa  on, images
                      space are responsible for determining the state of     and videos using the Internet.
                      ma  er. Jus  fy the statement.                         (Coopera  on and working together, crea  ve
                   C. Fa  ma tried changing the shapes of objects like pen   thinking)
                      and wooden scale. However, she did not succeed      B.  Perform an ac  vity to show that a metal ball
                      in doing so. State the reason(s) for the same.         passes through a metallic ring when it is not
                   D.  Arnav kept a bowl of juice in the freezer             heated. On hea  ng, the ball cannot pass
                      compartment of a refrigerator. He observed that        through the ring. Discuss why does it happen.
                      the juice turned solid a  er 4–5 hours. Why did it     What do you conclude from this?
                      happen?                                                (Decision-making, conclusion drawing)

                   INTEGRATE YOUR LEARNING

                   Integrate with Language
                   Prepare an ar  cle on ‘Brownian Mo  on’ in about 300 words. Search for the related informa  on and images
                   using the internet. Type your ar  cle in MS Word and format it as per your choice.

                   Integrate with Physics
                   ‘Physics is the study of ma  er, its mo  on and behaviour.’ Search the informa  on related to the given topic
                   and images using the Internet. Prepare a project and present it in the class.

                                                      PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES

                    Making a Model
                    Create a model on the topic ‘States of Ma  er’ using diff erent objects and present it in the class.

                    Classifying the Objects
                    Make a list of all the objects that you see in your classroom. Then classify them into the following
                    categories: Substances that Can be Compressed and Substances that Cannot be Compressed. Also state
                    the reason for your classifi ca  on.

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