Page 74 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 74

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word.
                       1.  The force with which molecules a  ract each other                   _______________________
                       2.  The process by which a liquid changes into its vapour form          _______________________
                       3.  A type of vaporiza  on that occurs at all temperatures              _______________________

                       4.  A type of vaporiza  on that occurs when a liquid is heated          _______________________
                       5.  The process by which a gas changes into a liquid                    _______________________
                       6.  The constant temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas       _______________________

                 B.  Identify the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct
                      word in the blank.
                       1.  An atom has an independent existence.                                               __________
                       2. Ma  er exists in four states.                                                        __________

                       3.  Gases possess high density.                                                         __________
                       4.  Liquids are free fl owing because the molecules are   ghtly packed.                  __________
                       5.  The constant temperature at which a gas changes into a liquid is called mel  ng point.  __________
                       6.  Sublime is the solid obtained on cooling the liquid.                                __________

                 C.  Match the columns.
                           Column A                                   Column B

                       1. Mass                                   (a) Highly compressible
                       2.  Resistance                            (b)  Gaseous state of a solid
                       3. Atom                                   (c) Force opposing mo  on
                       4.  Gases                                 (d)  Smallest possible unit of ma  er

                       5. Sublime                                (e) Measure of quan  ty of ma  er
                 D.  Explain the following terms.

                       1. Solidifi ca  on   2.  Evapora  on     3. Boiling point     4. Deposi  on     5.  Chemical change

                 E.  Answer the following questions.
                       1.  With the help of an ac  vity show that ma  er occupies space.
                       2.  Write a note on the molecular arrangement in diff erent states of ma  er.
                       3.  Write the proper  es of solids.
                       4.  What do you understand by Brownian movement? Explain with the help of an example.

                       5.  How does a solid change into a gas? Explain with the help of an example.
                       6.  With the help of an ac  vity show that a gas expands on hea  ng.


                   Create a presenta  on on the topic ‘Expansion of Ma  er’. Add related informa  on, images and videos using
                   the Internet. Format the presenta  on as per your choice.

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