Page 83 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 83


                 Water can dissolve a large number of solid, liquid and gaseous substances in it. In fact, no other solvent
                 can dissolve as many solutes in it as water. Therefore, it is commonly known as universal solvent.

                 Solute, Solvent and Solution

                 A substance that gets dissolved in a liquid is called solute. It is in smaller quan  ty. The liquid that dissolves
                 a solute is termed as solvent. It is in larger quan  ty. A uniform or homogeneous mixture of the solute and
                 the solvent is called solu  on.
                                           Solute      +       Solvent           Solu  on
                                           (solid)             (liquid)            (liquid)
                                       smaller quan  ty     larger quan  ty

                 For example, when we add some sugar to a glass of water and mix it well, then we get a uniform mixture
                 known as sugar solu  on. Here, sugar is the solute and water is the solvent.
                 Some more examples to iden  fy solute and solvent in a solu  on are given below.
                     • A solu  on of common salt and water in which common salt is solute and water is solvent.
                     • A solu  on of sodium carbonate and water in which sodium carbonate in solute and water is
                     • A solu  on of copper sulphate and water in which copper sulphate is solute and water is solvent.
                        It is no  ceable that water always acts as a solvent and o  en termed as universal solvent.
                 Substances like salt and sugar dissolve readily in water and are said to be soluble in water. Substances like
                 sand and wood that do not dissolve in water are said to be insoluble in water. Only soluble substances
                 can form a solu  on. However, there are certain condi  ons on which the forma  on of a solu  on depends.
                 They are as follows.
                     • S  rring: S  rring the solu  on increases the solubility of the solute in the solvent.
                     • Par  cle size of the solute: If the par  cle size of the solute is            Solubility
                        small, the rate of forma  on of a solu  on is faster. However, if
                                                                                          The ability of a solute to dissolve
                        the solute has large par  cles, then the forma  on of solu  on    into a solvent is called solubility.
                        takes   me.
                     • Temperature: Mostly the solubility of solids and liquids in water increases with increase in
                        temperature. But solubility of gases in water decreases with increase in temperature.
                 Let’s perform some ac  vi  es to understand the condi  ons aff ec  ng the forma  on of a solu  on.

                           Activity 4.7

                 Aim: To observe the eff ect of s  rring on the forma  on of a solu  on
                 Materials required: 2 beakers, some water, some sugar, a spoon
                   •  Take two beakers and label them as A and B.
                   •  Pour equal amount of water in each beaker.
                   •  Add one teaspoon of sugar each in both the beakers.
                   •  Do not s  r the contents of beaker A.
                   •  S  r the contents of beaker B.

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