Page 86 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 86


                 Water that is fi t for consump  on is called potable water. It should have the following characteris  cs.

                     • It should be colourless, odourless and transparent.
                     • It should have suffi  cient amount of dissolved salts and oxygen in it.
                     • It should be free from harmful chemicals and microorganisms.
                 Generally, freshwater and groundwater are fi t for drinking. But with           Waterborne Diseases
                 the growth in popula  on and industrializa  on, most of the freshwater
                                                                                           Infec  ous diseases which spread
                 resources have become contaminated with pollutants. Consump  on           primarily through contaminated
                 of polluted water can have adverse eff ects on our health and we may       water are called waterborne
                 become suscep  ble to waterborne diseases.
                 Diseases Caused by Contaminated Water or Waterborne Diseases

                 Water present in rivers, lakes, etc. should not be used for consump  on directly as it may be contaminated
                 with industrial and agricultural wastes, and human and animal faeces which contain pathogens.
                 Consump  on of contaminated water may lead to various waterborne diseases such as typhoid, jaundice,
                 dysentery, diarrhoea, gastroenteri  s and cholera.

                 Typhoid is a waterborne disease caused by bacteria. It aff ects the intes  ne leading to high fever which
                 lasts for a few days.
                 Jaundice is caused by the Hepa    s A virus. It aff ects the liver of a person. The pa  ents also suff er from
                 nausea, stomach pain and weight loss thus resul  ng in liver disorders.

                 Dysentery is caused by amoeba or bacteria. There is secre  on of mucus during the bowel movement as
                 these organisms infect the wall of the intes  ne. The pa  ents suff er from stomach pain. Anal bleeding may
                 also occur in severe cases.
                 Diarrhoea refers to a state of frequent, loose or liquid stools. During diarrhoea, water and large amount
                 of essen  al salts and nutrients are lost from the body. This makes a person suff ering from diarrhoea very
                 weak and   red.

                 Gastroenteri  s is an infl amma  on of the gastrointes  nal tract, involving both the stomach and the small
                 intes  ne. Certain viruses, bacteria, their toxins or parasites can cause the infec  on. It results in acute
                 diarrhoea along with vomi  ng.
                 Cholera is an infec  on in the small intes  ne caused by a bacterium. The main symptoms are excessive,
                 watery diarrhoea and vomi  ng.

                 The availability of fresh and clean drinking water is necessary to reduce the spread of waterborne diseases.
                 Water can be purifi ed by killing germs and removing other impuri  es.

                 PURIFICATION OF WATER

                 Purifi ca  on of water involves removal of impuri  es such as harmful bacteria, dissolved and undissolved
                 solid substances like par  cles of mud, sand, grit and dead organisms. In other words, water purifi ca  on is
                 the transforma  on of dirty, harmful water into clean and safe water.
                 On a large scale, water is purifi ed in water treatment plants before it is supplied to our houses. However,
                 we can also purify water at home. Some commonly used methods to purify water are discussed here.

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