Page 87 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 87
Sedimentation and Decantation
Sedimenta on is a process by which heavier insoluble par cles of a solu on se le down. It is the fi rst
step to purify water in water treatment plants. Water from rivers or lakes is allowed to fl ow into basins,
reservoirs or sedimenta on tanks and stand for some me. Here suspended solids se le at the bo om
and clear water is obtained at the top. The clear water at the top is decanted. This process of pouring out
the liquid without disturbing the sediment is known as decanta on.
The process used to increase the rate of sedimenta on by addi on of chemicals is called loading. Potash
alum is added to water in the loading tank and is allowed to stand for some me. This speeds up the
rate of sedimenta on thus making the suspended par cles heavier which eventually se le down at the
bo om of the tank.
Filtra on is the process of separa ng a solid from a liquid by passing the mixture through a fi lter bed or
a fi lter paper.
During the process of fi ltra on at a small scale, the impure water is passed through a fi lter paper. The pore
size of fi lter paper is smaller than the size of mud par cles. In this way, par culate impuri es remain on
the fi lter paper and only water passes through it. The liquid that passes through the fi lter paper is called
fi ltrate while the par culate impuri es which remain on the fi lter paper are called residue.
In water treatment plants, water from the sedimenta on tank is fi ltered by passing it through fi lter bed.
A fi lter bed consists of diff erent layers of sand, gravel and charcoal.
The process of adding chlorine to water is called chlorina on.
Filtered water is disinfected by adding chlorine to kill any
Thinking Fountain
remaining harmful bacteria. In water supply units of municipal Find out why swimming pools
corpora on, the fi ltered water is sterilised by adding chlorine to contain chlorinated water.
kill harmful organisms. Chlorinated water is stored in a tank for
further supply.
sedimentation tank
fi ltration tank chlorination tank
water from chlorine
a source cylinder
sediment clean water
sand charcoal
Fig. 4.8: Purifi cation of water in a water treatment plant