Page 92 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 92

Quick Review

                    •  Water is essen  al for life.
                    •  The major sources of water are rainwater, surface water and groundwater.
                    •  Water exists in three states—solid, liquid and gas. These three states of water can be interchanged
                       into each other by changing temperature.
                    •  Water is an integral component of all living bodies. It is also needed for various other purposes.
                    •  The density of water is maximum at 4°C
                    •  Water is known as the universal solvent as it can dissolve a large number of substances in it.
                    •  The forma  on of a solu  on depends on s  rring, par  cle size of the solute and temperature.
                    •  On the basis of the ability of solu  ons to dissolve the solute, there are three types of solu  ons—
                       saturated solu  on, unsaturated solu  on and supersaturated solu  on.
                    •  Potable water should be colourless, odourless and transparent. It should have suffi  cient amount of
                       dissolved salts and oxygen in it and should be free from harmful chemicals and microorganisms.
                    •  Consump  on of water contaminated with industrial and agricultural wastes, and human and animal
                       faeces may lead to various waterborne diseases.
                    •  Purifi ca  on of water involves processes of removing impuri  es from water such as harmful bacteria,
                       dissolved and undissolved solid substances like par  cles of mud, sand, grit and dead organisms.
                    •  Some commonly used methods to purify water are sedimenta  on and decanta  on, loading,
                       fi ltra  on, boiling, chlorina  on, water purifi ers and RO system, aera  on, ozoniza  on and dis  lla  on.
                    •  Water is a precious natural resource and hence we must conserve it.
                    •  The major causes of water pollu  on are discharge of domes  c sewage and dumping of garbage,
                       industrial and agricultural wastes, waste from nuclear and thermal power plants, defeca  on, and oil
                       spill and leakage.
                    •  Water pollu  on can be prevented by installing water treatment plants in industrial areas; by
                       not releasing untreated sewage, agricultural and industrial wastes into water bodies; by using
                       environment-friendly household products, etc.
                    •  Flood is caused when it rains heavily or con  nuously for a number of days. It leads to condi  ons such
                       as loss of property, death of animals and humans, extensive damage to crops, soil erosion, rise in the
                       level of water in dams, rivers, etc. and spread of diseases and pollu  on.
                    •  Drought is a period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to shortage of water. It leads to condi  ons
                       such as lack of food and drinking water, lower groundwater level in lakes, rivers, etc., soil erosion, loss
                       of plants and trees, death of animals, loss of human lives and health problems due to poor quality of


                 BE PROMPT

                 A.  Fill in the blanks.
                       1.  About ____________ of the fresh water is present in rivers, lakes, springs, ponds, etc.

                       2.  In ____________ state, water exists as snow or frost.
                       3.  Water exists as _______________ or ____________ in gaseous state.
                       4.  The density of water is ____________ at 4 degree Celsius.

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