Page 50 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 50

D.  Answer in short.
                       1. Classify ma  er.
                       2.  Describe pure substances.
                       3.  How are elements classifi ed on the basis of their proper  es?
                       4. Defi ne an atom. Can atoms exist independently?
                       5.  Why are noble (inert) gases named so?
                       6.  Write the symbols of the following elements.
                           (a) Aluminium             (b) Neon                (c) Oxygen              (d) Iron
                           (e) Carbon                (f) Calcium             (g) Helium              (h) Sulphur
                            (i) Copper               (j) Hydrogen            (k) Nitrogen             (l) Sodium
                       7.  What is a molecule? Give examples.
                       8. Show diagramma  c representa  on of nitrogen dioxide molecule and zinc chloride molecule.

                 AT LENGTH
                 A.  Explain the following terms.
                       1. Metal       2. Metalloid     3. Symbol        4. Atom     5. Mixture     6. Magne  c separa  on

                 B. Diff eren  ate between the following.
                       1.  Metals and non-metals   2.  Atoms and molecules             3.  Sediment and supernatant liquid

                       4. Residue and fi ltrate     5.  Sedimenta  on and decanta  on   6.  Compound and mixture
                 C.  Answer in detail.
                       1.  What is an element? Give examples and list the proper  es of an element.
                       2.  How are compounds formed? Write the proper  es of a compound.

                       3.  How are elements diff erent from compounds?
                       4.  Write the uses of the following elements and compounds.
                           (a) Copper            (b) Tungsten           (c)  Pla  num     (d)  Iron         (e)  Plas  c
                            (f) Aluminium        (g) Carbon dioxide    (h)  Sand           (i) Chlorine      (j)  Argon
                       5.  What are mixtures? Explain with the help of an example. List the characteris  cs of mixtures.
                       6. Explain sedimenta  on and decanta  on taking a mixture of sand and water as an example.
                       7.  Write a note on evapora  on as a method of separa  on of compounds of a mixture.
                       8.  How is salt prepared from sea water?

                  OBSERVE AND PERFORM

                   Observe the given image carefully and answer the following ques  ons.
                     1.  Name the method of separa  on shown in the image.
                     2.  For what other purpose can you use this method?

                     3.  Describe the method of separa  on shown here in detail.

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