Page 54 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 54

Activity 3.1

                 Aim: To create a PowerPoint presenta  on on ‘Classifi ca  on of Ma  er’

                 Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on ‘Classifi ca  on of Ma  er’ giving examples. Insert related images
                 using the Internet.

                           Activity 3.2

                 Aim: To list the substances that can be made using the given materials

                 A number of objects can be made from a single material. Write fi ve substances which can be made from
                 the following materials.
                       •  Plas  c                 •  Paper                  •  Cloth

                       •  Wood                    •  Rubber                 •  Metal

                 PROPERTIES OF MATTER

                 The food we eat, the water we drink and the air that we breathe are ma  er. So what isn’t ma  er? Anything
                 that does not occupy mass and space is not ma  er. Our feelings, heat and light, etc. are not ma  er. Now
                 let’s study the proper  es of ma  er.

                 Matter has Mass

                 Mass is the quan  ty of ma  er contained in a substance. More in the amount of ma  er in an object, more
                 would be its mass. Let’s perform Ac  vi  es 3.3 and 3.4 to observe that ma  er has mass.

                           Activity 3.3

                 Aim: To observe that ma  er has mass

                 Materials required: 2 balloons, a long thread, a metre scale, a needle

                   •  Take two balloons.
                                                           meter scale
                   •  Blow air in the balloons and   e
                       their ends with long threads of
                       equal lengths.
                   •  Take a meter scale and suspend                 infl ated                  bursted
                       the balloons at its two ends.                balloons                   balloon               infl ated

                   •  Make a loop with a thread in                                                                   balloon
                       the centre of the scale and
                       balance the scale as shown in the fi gure given alongside.
                   •  Now prick one of the balloons with a needle.

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