Page 51 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 51


                   Robin wants to separate iron from a mixture of iron and sulphur.
                     (a)  Which method of separa  on should he use and how it can be done?

                     (b)  Will he be able to separate the two elements using the above method if the mixture is heated?
                     (c)  Name the compound formed on hea  ng.
                    (d)  Diff eren  ate between the mixture of iron and sulphur and the compound iron sulphide.
                     (e)  Name the solvent that dissolves sulphur in it.

                   LIFE SKILLS

                   Avan  ka fi nds water containing chalk powder. She wants to use this water to prepare a model of clay.
                   However, before doing so, she needs to remove chalk powder from the water. How can she do that?
                   Avan  ka decided to do so because she doesn’t want to waste water. Can you suggest some similar ways
                   to save water?

                   INTEGRATE YOUR LEARNING

                   Integrate with Geography
                   Name the metals found in the earth’s crust. State various places where mining of gold and coal is done.
                   Prepare a project and give it a suitable heading. Write uses of metals that you will list. Also write a few lines
                   about gold mining and coal mining in India. Paste related images. You can use the Internet for searching
                   informa  on and images.

                                                      PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES

                    Making a Chart
                    Make a colourful chart of various elements that you have learnt in the chapter and write their symbols.
                    Present it in a class.

                    Making a Model
                    Using s  cks and balls, make a model to show the diagramma  c representa  on of various molecules
                    taught in the chapter.

                    Hands on Ac  vity
                    With the help of your teacher, demonstrate the process of fi ltra  on and magne  c separa  on in the
                    class. You can demonstrate fi ltra  on by separa  ng tea leaves from tea or chalk powder from a mixture
                    of chalk powder and water. Similarly, you can demonstrate magne  c separa  on by separa  ng iron from
                    iron sulphide powder with the help of a magnet.

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