Page 48 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 48

•  In a mixture, original atoms and molecules remain as they are as no chemical change takes place.
                   •  Separa  on of components of a mixture some  mes becomes essen  al because either the mixture
                      contains undesirable or harmful substances or we need to obtain pure substances from the mixture.
                   •  Some commonly used methods of separa  on are sieving, sedimenta  on and decanta  on, fi ltra  on,
                      evapora  on and magne  c separa  on.
                   •  In sieving, the mixture is passed through a sieve. Fine par  cles pass through the sieve while bigger
                      par  cles remain on the sieve.
                   •  Sedimenta  on and decanta  on is used to separate a heterogeneous mixture of a solid and a liquid
                      where the solid is heavy and insoluble.
                   •  Filtra  on is used to separate an insoluble solid and a liquid by passing the mixture through a fi lter
                   •  Evapora  on is employed to separate a soluble solid component from a liquid.
                   •  Magne  c separa  on is used when one of the components of a mixture is a magne  c substance, i.e.,
                      it can be a  racted by a magnet.


                 BE PROMPT

                 A.  Fill in the blanks.
                       1.  An element is a ________________ as it has atoms of only one kind.

                       2.  A symbol represents one _________ of an element.
                       3.  A _________ always contains the same elements combined together chemically in a fi xed ra  o.
                       4.  _________ is either absorbed or given out when a compound is formed.

                       5.  The elements present in ammonia are ____________ and ____________.
                       6.  ____________ is used in the prepara  on of glass.
                       7.  A sieve consists of a _____________ placed over a frame.
                       8.  The technique of _____________ is used daily in our houses to separate tea leaves from tea using a

                 B.  State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  An element consists of atoms of diff erent kinds.
                       2.  A compound is pure and homogeneous.

                       3.  A symbol represents one atom of an element.
                       4.  The smallest par  cle of a compound is a molecule.
                       5.  Wood produces heat energy on burning and is used as a fuel.
                       6.  A mixture has uniform and constant composi  on throughout the whole sample.
                       7. The cons  tuents of a mixture are not chemically combined together.
                       8.  The size of component par  cles is not an important factor in the separa  on of mixtures.
                       9. Sedimenta  on and decanta  on are used to separate a homogeneous mixture of a solid and a liquid.
                      10. Evapora  on is employed to separate a soluble solid component from a liquid.

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