Page 44 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 44

Nature Care
                   The tea leaves and the fruit pulp that we fi lter in our houses every day are waste products that need to be
                   disposed off . Think and discuss eco-friendly and useful ways of their disposal.

                 Let’s understand fi ltra  on by performing Ac  vity 2.6.
                           Activity 2.6

                 Aim: To separate chalk powder and water by fi ltra  on
                 Materials required: Chalk powder, some water, 2 beakers, fi lter paper, a
                 funnel, a stand

                   •  Take a mixture of water and chalk powder in a beaker.
                                                                                                                  fi lter paper
                   •  Take a circular fi lter paper and fold it as shown in the fi gure to make
                       a cone.                                                                                    funnel
                   •  Place this cone in a funnel and fi x the funnel on the clamp of an      residue
                       iron stand. Place another beaker below the funnel.
                   •  Pour the mixture of chalk and water slowly into the funnel. Make
                       sure that the mixture does not overfl ow from the funnel.              stand                   fi ltrate
                 Observa  on: You will observe that clear water (fi ltrate) drips into the
                 beaker and the chalk powder is le   behind as a residue on the fi lter paper.


                 Evapora  on is a process by which a liquid is converted into its vapour
                 state. This method is employed to separate a soluble solid component
                 from a liquid. In this method, the mixture is heated. As a result, the
                 liquid component evaporates, leaving the solid component behind.
                 This method is used to separate solid component from the homogeneous
                 (soluble) solid-liquid mixtures like extrac  ng salt from sea water. Sea
                 water is collected in shallow beds and is allowed to evaporate under the
                 heat of the sun. In a few days, the water gets evaporated and salt is le     Fig. 2.9: Evaporation of sea water
                 behind which is purifi ed before use.

                           Activity 2.7

                 Aim: To separate salt and water by evapora  on
                 Materials required: Salt solu  on, a burner, wire mesh, a tripod stand,
                 a beaker
                   •  Take a salt solu  on in a beaker.
                   •  Keep the beaker on a tripod stand with a wire mesh and light a
                       burner under it.
                   •  Let the solu  on boil for some   me.

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