Page 45 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 45

Observa  on: You will no  ce that a  er some   me the water starts
                 evapora  ng from the beaker. A  er some more   me, all the water
                 evaporates and only salt is le   behind.

                 Magnetic Separation                                                                 magnet

                 Magne  c separa  on is used when one of the components of a mixture is a
                 magne  c substance, i.e., it can be a  racted by a magnet.
                                                                                                                mixture of
                 In a mixture of iron and sulphur, iron is separated by rolling a magnet over                   iron and
                 the mixture. In this way iron gets a  racted towards the magnet and is
                 separated from the mixture.                                                    Fig. 2.10: Magnetic separation


                 The process by which a solid changes into vapour on hea  ng is called
                 sublima  on. For example, ammonium chloride, camphor, naphthalene and
                 iodine crystals undergo sublima  on.
                 This process is used when one of the components of a mixture sublimates on
                 hea  ng.                                                                            Fig. 2.11: Sublimation

                           Activity 2.8

                 Aim: To separate common salt and ammonium chloride
                 Materials required: A mixture (solid-solid) of common salt and ammonium chloride (NH Cl), an inverted
                 funnel, an evapora  ng dish, co  on, Bunsen burner and tripod stand with mesh

                   •  Take the mixture of common salt and ammonium chloride                               cotton plug
                       (NH Cl) in an evapora  ng dish and place an inverted                               inverted funnel
                       funnel over it.                                                                     solidifi ed NH Cl
                                                                                     vapours of                     4
                   •  Cover the mouth of funnel with a piece of paper or co  on.     NH Cl                      evaporating
                   •  Heat the evapora  ng dish slowly with the help of a tripod                                dish
                       stand and burner, and note your observa  on.                                             mixture of
                                                                                                                common salt
                   •  Remove the burner and allow the system to cool down,                                      and NH Cl
                       and observe the change.
                                                                                                              Bunsen burner

                   •  On hea  ng, you will observe vapour (fumes) of the NH Cl
                       inside the funnel. This is the process of sublima  on.
                   •  On cooling, you will observe crystals of (solid) NH Cl condense on the cold inner walls of the funnel.
                       The solidifi ed NH Cl is called the sublimate.
                   •  The common salt is le   behind in the evapora  ng dish.

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