Page 47 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 47

Molecule:             A group of two or more atoms of the same element or diff erent elements held together
                                       by chemical forces which is capable of independent existence
                 Noble (inert) gases:   Non-metals that are present in gaseous state and do not react chemically with other
                 Metalloids:           Elements that possess the proper  es of both metals and non-metals
                 Compound:             A pure substance formed by the chemical combina  on of two or more elements in a
                                       defi nite propor  on by mass

                 Mixtures:             Physical combina  on of two or more elements or compounds in any propor  on
                 Sieving:              A method used to separate components of a mixture that diff er in size
                 Sedimenta  on:        The process of se  ling down of suspended insoluble par  cles at the bo  om under the
                                       infl uence of gravity
                 Sediment:             The insoluble solid substance that se  les down

                 Decanta  on:          Pouring of clear liquid into another beaker without disturbing the sediment
                 Supernatant liquid:   The clear liquid over the sediment
                 Residue:              The insoluble solid le   behind on the fi lter paper
                 Filtra  on:           A method used to separate an insoluble solid and a liquid

                 Filtrate:             The clear liquid that passes through the fi lter paper
                 Evapora  on:          A process by which a liquid is converted into its vapour state
                 Magne  c separa  on:  A method used to separate components of a mixture containing a magne  c substance
                 Sublima  on:          The process by which a solid changes into vapour directly without going into liquid
                                       state on hea  ng

                      Quick Review

                    •  Ma  er is composed of certain basic substances called elements, each of which is itself composed of
                       minute par  cles of its own kind called atoms.
                    •  Some atoms are capable of independent existence while others are found in combina  on with atoms
                       of the same element or diff erent elements.
                    •  Elements are classifi ed on the basis of their proper  es into metals, non-metals, metalloids and noble
                    •  A majority of elements are metals. Metals are mostly found in the earth’s crust, but they are also
                       found in seas and oceans.
                    •  Non-metals are found in abundance in nature.
                    •  Non-metals like helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases.
                    •  Boron, silicon, arsenic and an  mony are some metalloids.
                    •  When elements combine with each other in a fi xed ra  o by mass, they form compounds.
                    •  The smallest unit of a compound is a molecule which shows all the proper  es of the compound.
                    •  To represent an element, some abbrevia  ons called symbols are used. A symbol represents one atom
                       of an element.
                    •  A molecule is the smallest par  cle of an element or a compound that exists independently and shows
                       all the proper  es of that substance.
                    •  Elements and compounds have diff erent uses based on their proper  es.

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