Page 52 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 52

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word.
                       1.  Substances that do not have uniform composi  on                         ____________________
                       2.  Substances made up of only one kind of molecule                         ____________________
                       3.  Non-metals that do not react with other elements                        ____________________

                       4.  Elements possessing proper  es of both metals and non-metals            ____________________
                       5.  The smallest unit of an element                                         ____________________

                 B.  Identify the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct
                      word in the blank.

                       1.  A pure substance contains other substances also in trace amounts.                ____________
                       2.  Non-metals are malleable and duc  le.                                            ____________
                       3. Pla  num is used to make fi laments of light bulbs.                                ____________

                       4.  A mixture has fi xed mel  ng and boiling points.                                  ____________
                       5.  In the process of evapora  on, the solid component evaporates.                   ____________
                 C.  Match the columns.

                           Column A                                   Column B
                       1.  Gold                                  (a)  Used as a fuel
                       2. Iron                                   (b) Making utensils

                       3. Natural gas                            (c) Making non-s  ck cookwares
                       4. Aluminium                              (d) Making jewellery
                       5. Plas  c                                (e)  Heavy tools and machinery

                 D.  Explain the following terms.
                       1. Pure substances       2. Molecule         3. Non-metals       4. Compound        5. Evapora  on

                 E.  Answer the following questions.
                       1. Diff eren  ate between atom and molecule.
                       2.  Write the rules followed to assign symbols to elements.

                       3.  With the help of an example, explain that the proper  es of a compound are diff erent from those of
                           its cons  tuent elements.

                       4.  Write the characteris  cs of mixtures.
                       5.  Write a note on principle of separa  on. Also, discuss the method used to separate a soluble solid
                           component from a liquid.


                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Separa  on of Mixtures’. Discuss the various methods
                   taught in the lesson in detail. Add related informa  on, images and videos using the Internet. Format the
                   presenta  on as per your choice.

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