Page 55 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 55

Observa  on: You will observe that the balloon that is pricked bursts and the meter scale   lts towards the
                 infl ated balloon.
                 Conclusion: This happens because of the mass of air present in the balloon. The balloon which contains
                 air is heavier than the bursted balloon. This confi rms that ma  er, here air, has mass.

                           Activity 3.4

                 Aim: To show that ma  er has mass
                 Materials required: A can, some water, a spring balance, a thread

                   •  Suspend a spring balance from a hook. Make sure that the reading of the
                       pointer should read 0.

                   •  Tie an empty can to a strong co  on thread to form a suspension loop. Suspend
                       the can from the hook of the spring balance.
                   •  Note the reading of the pointer.
                   •  Now fi ll the can with some water.                                                empty can
                                                                                                                    can with
                 Observa  on: The spring balance with the can having water shows more reading.                       water

                 Conclusion: This shows that ma  er, here water, has mass.

                 Matter Occupies Space

                 Ma  er occupies space. It means that the par  cles of ma  er  move
                 around in the space that they occupy. In Ac  vity 3.3, you observed that
                                                                                              Space is the void between
                 on blowing air into the balloons, their shape and size change. This shows    the par  cles of ma  er.
                 that air (ma  er) occupies space. Let’s perform Ac  vity 3.5 to observe
                 that ma  er occupies space.

                           Activity 3.5

                 Aim: To show that ma  er occupies space

                 Materials required: Some water, a tumbler, some sand, a spoon

                   •  Take a glass tumbler and fi ll it with some water.
                                                                                                                    new level
                   •  Mark the level of water on the outer surface of                                               of water
                                                                        initial level
                       the glass tumbler.                                of water
                   •  Now add four spoons of sand into the glass

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