Page 42 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 42

• To obtain pure sample of a substance: We need many substances in their purest form to make
                        medicines, in laboratories, etc. For these purposes, all the impuri  es need to be removed. For
                        example, all the impuri  es need to be removed from water as water in its purest form is required
                        to prepare medicines, in laboratories and car ba  eries.

                 Principle of Separation

                 The principle of separa  on depends upon the type of mixture and the proper  es of components of mixture.
                 In some mixtures such as a mixture of sugar crystals and sand par  cles, components can be dis  nguished
                 on the basis of visual observa  on. In some other cases, the components of a mixture cannot be seen. For
                 example, if sugar is dissolved in water, a solu  on is formed. In such a mixture, the two cannot be seen
                 separately. The method of separa  on in all these examples diff ers and depends upon the components of
                 the mixture. The size of the component par  cles is also an important factor in the separa  on of mixtures.

                 Mixtures are also separated on the basis of some property that one component has and the other does
                 not have. For example, to separate a mixture of iron fi lings and sulphur, we can use a magnet as only iron
                 gets a  racted towards the magnet.


                 You must have no  ced that your mother si  s fl our using a sieve to
                 remove bran. A sieve consists of a mesh placed over a frame.

                 Sieving helps to separate components of a mixture that diff er in size.
                 While sieving, the fi ne par  cles pass through the sieve whereas the
                 coarse par  cles are le   behind on the sieve. Depending on the size
                 and type of the components to be separated, sieves with diff erent
                 size of holes are used. For example, the sieve used at a construc  on
                 site has larger holes in the mesh because it is used to separate                  Fig. 2.7:  Sieving
                 stones and pebbles from sand.

                 Sedimentation and Decantation

                 When a mixture of insoluble substance and water is kept
                 undisturbed for some   me, then the suspended insoluble                            Soluble
                 par  cles se  le down at the bo  om under the infl uence of          A substance which can be dissolved is
                 gravity. This process is called sedimenta  on. The insoluble        called soluble.
                 solid substance that se  les down is called sediment and
                 the clear liquid over the sediment is called  supernatant
                                                                                     A substance which cannot be dissolved
                 liquid. The clear liquid is then poured into another beaker,        is called insoluble.
                 leaving the sediments undisturbed. This process is called
                 decanta  on.

                 Sedimenta  on and decanta  on are used to separate a mixture of a solid and a liquid where the solid
                 component is heavier than the liquid component, and is insoluble, for example, a mixture of sand and

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