Page 37 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 37

O   O                                          H     O     H
                                     Oxygen molecule (O )                              Water molecule (H O)
                                                       2                                               2

                                            Cl   Cl                                        O   C   O
                                     Chlorine molecule (Cl )                       Carbon dioxide molecule (CO )
                                                        2                                                    2

                                         O   O   O                                           Ca   O

                                      Ozone molecule (O )                          Calcium oxide molecule (CaO)
                                            H   H                                          O   N   O
                                    Hydrogen molecule (H )                           Nitrogen dioxide molecule (NO )
                                                        2                                                        2

                                                                                           Cl   Zn   Cl

                                                                                   Zinc chloride molecule (ZnCl )

                 Molecular Formula

                 A chemical formula that represents the total number and kind of atoms in a molecule is called a molecular
                 formula. Table 2.6 represents the molecular formulae of some comounds.

                                            Table 2.6: Molecular Formulae of Some Compounds
                      Name of the compound             Formula             Name of the compound             Formula

                  Carbon dioxide                         CO 2          Ammonia                               NH 3

                  Magnesium oxide                       MgO            Water                                 H O
                  Zinc chloride                          ZnCl 2        Calcium oxide                         CaO

                  Hydrogen chloride                      HCl           Nitrogen dioxide                      NO 2

                  Calcium chloride                       CaCl 2        Copper oxide                          CuO

                                          Table 2.7: Diff erences between an Atom and a Molecule
                                         Atom                                               Molecule

                  •  An atom is the smallest unit of an element that shows   •  A molecule is the smallest unit of an element or
                    all the properties of that element.                  compound that exists independently.

                  •  It is highly reactive.                            •  It is less reactive.
                  •  There are no chemical bonds in atoms.             •  Atoms in a molecule are held together by chemical


                 Diff erent types of elements and compounds diff er in their proper  es. It is due to this diff erence that
                 elements and compounds are put to diff erent uses.

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