Page 32 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 32

Thirst for Knowledge
                                                                                         Bromine is the only liquid non-
                                                                                         metal (at room temperature).
                                                 Hydrogen and helium together
                                                                                         Mercury is the only liquid metal
                                                 account for about 99% of the mass       (at room temperature).
                                                 of the known universe.
                    Fig. 2.4: Non-metal

                                                          Proper  es of Non-Metals

                    Either so     Mostly bri  le   Do not possess   Bad conductors   Neither       Low mel  ng      Not
                     solids or      in nature      shine or       of heat and     malleable nor    and boiling   sonorous
                      gases                         lustre         electricity       duc  le         points

                                                           Common Elements

                      In the universe        In the earth’s crust     In the atmosphere           In the human body

                      Hydrogen and         Oxygen in the greatest          Nitrogen          Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
                         helium          amount followed by silicon,                         make up the compounds in the
                                            aluminium and iron                                     cells of the body


                 Elements that possess the proper  es of both metals and non-metals are called
                 Boron, silicon, arsenic and an  mony are some metalloids. They are solid, shiny
                 or dull, duc  le, malleable, and conduct heat and electricity be  er than non-
                 metals but not as well as metals.
                 Noble (Inert) Gases                                                                    Fig. 2.5: Metalloid

                 There are some elements that are present in gaseous state and do not react chemically with other
                 elements. Such elements are called noble (inert) gases. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon
                 are noble (inert) gases. These gases are present only in traces in air.

                           Activity 2.1

                 Aim: To study the symbols of fi rst 20 elements of the periodic table

                 Materials required: A periodic table
                 Procedure: See the given periodic table and study the symbols of the fi rst 20 elements shown. Tables 2.1,
                 2.2 and 2.3 show symbols of the fi rst 20 elements.

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