Page 28 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 28

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word.
                       1.  An early philosophical and spiritual fi eld of study that has made a
                           signifi cant contribu  on on the evolu  on of modern science                _________________
                       2.  A mythical and magical substance                                           _________________

                       3.  The process of transforming raw materials by physical or chemical
                           method into marketable food products                                       _________________

                       4.  A food preserva  ve used in fruit products, beverages and salads           _________________
                       5.  Substances that promote a  rac  veness without aff ec  ng the body’s
                           structure or func  ons                                                     _________________

                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  New discoveries and inven  ons in science have made our lives more comfortable.
                       2.  Physical processes take place to produce numerous useful substances.
                       3.  The work of alchemists contributed in laying the founda  on for modern chemistry and medicine.

                       4.  All the cosme  cs that we use today are made from combina  ons of various chemical ingredients.
                       5. The natural fi bres are strong, wrinkle-resistant and dry quickly.

                 C.  Match the columns.
                           Column A                                  Column B
                       1.  Dmitri Mendeleev                      (a)  Law of par  al pressures
                       2.  Antoine Lavoisier                     (b)  Gold foil experiment

                       3.  John Dalton                           (c)  Bohr atomic model
                       4.  Niels Bohr                            (d)  Modern periodic table of elements
                       5.  Ernest Rutherford                     (e)  Discovery of the role of oxygen in combus  on

                 D.  Explain the following terms.
                       1. Science         2. Philosopher’s stone    3. Penicillin       4. Aspirin

                 E.  Answer the following questions.
                       1.  How did the contribu  on of the alchemists helped in the advancement of the civiliza  on?
                       2.  Discuss the contribu  on of John Dalton.
                       3.  Write in short about role of chemistry in tex  le industry.
                       4.  Why are cosme  cs used?

                       5.  List some common medicines and their uses.

                   Create a presenta  on on the topic ‘Some Great Alchemists’. Find related informa  on and images using the
                   Internet. Give the descrip  on about their lives and their contribu  ons to the fi eld of science and society.
                   Add audio and visual eff ects to your presenta  on. Format it as per your choice.

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