Page 25 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 25


                 BE PROMPT

                 A.  Fill in the blanks.
                       1.  ___________ were regarded as early chemists.
                       2.  ____________ is considered as the ‘Father of Modern Chemistry’.

                       3.  John Dalton is credited for proposing _____________________.
                       4.  Terylene is a ____________ fi bre.
                       5.  Cheese and breads are examples of _________________.
                       6.  ______________ is an example of an an  bio  c.

                 B. Iden  fy the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in
                      the blank.
                       1.  Science has two main branches: chemical science and natural science.            _____________
                       2.  By the late seventeenth century, the fi eld of chemistry had completely
                           separated from tradi  onal alchemy.                                             _____________
                       3.  J.J. Thomson discovered the proton.                                             _____________

                       4.  Jam and jelly are the processed foods.                                          _____________
                       5.  Manufacturing of clothes involves the combina  on of fi bres into fabrics.       _____________
                       6.  Paracetamol is an an  bio  c used to treat infec  ons.                          _____________

                 C.  Choose the correct op  on.
                       1.  Chemistry is a ____________ science.
                           (a) social                (b) physical            (c) life                (d) none of these

                       2.  Which of the following metals was considered the purest according to alchemy?
                           (a) Potassium             (b) Silver              (c) Sodium              (d) Gold
                       3.  Who gave the ‘law of conserva  on of mass’?

                           (a) Dmitri Mendeleev                              (b) Niels Bohr
                           (c) Antoine Lavoisier                             (d) John Dalton
                       4.  Which of the following is not a preserva  ve?

                           (a) Sugar                                         (b) Salt
                           (c) Vinegar                                       (d) Yogurt
                       5.  Which of the following come under the category of cosme  cs?

                           (a) Skin cleansers        (b) Moisturisers        (c) Perfumes            (d) All of these
                       6.  Which of the following is a synthe  c fi bre?
                           (a) Co  on                (b) Nylon               (c) Silk                (d) Wool

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