Page 21 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 21

Activity 1.4

                 Aim: To create a chart on food preserva  ves
                 Take a chart paper. On that chart paper, make a list of the types of food you consume on a daily basis.
                 Taking help from the Internet, list the preserva  ves used in the food items with their pictures.


                 Cosme  cs or simply beauty products are substances or products
                 that enhance the appearance of external parts of human body.
                 These cosme  cs are used to cleanse, beau  fy or promote
                 a  rac  veness without aff ec  ng the body’s structure or func  ons.
                 Skin cleansers, lo  ons, moisturisers, lips  cks, talcum powder,
                 founda  on, shampoo, hairstyling products such as gel and hair
                 spray, deodorants and perfumes are some examples of cosme  cs
                 used in our daily lives.
                 Chemistry plays a signifi cant role in the development of these cosme  cs. All the cosme  cs are made from
                 combina  ons of various chemical ingredients. For example, lips  cks are made from a combina  on of oils,
                 waxes, pigments or colours and skin so  eners called emollients, and talcum powder is made from talc, a
                 mineral made up of the elements—magnesium, silicon, oxygen and hydrogen.

                           Activity 1.5

                 Aim: To fi nd the chemicals present in commonly used cosme  cs

                 Make a list of fi ve commonly used cosme  cs. Paste related pictures. Take help from the Internet and write
                 the chemicals used in them.


                 Chemistry is widely used in the tex  le industry which manufactures clothes to meet our requirements.
                 Manufacturing of clothes involves transforma  on of fi bres into fabrics. Chemistry in the tex  le industry
                 involves the knowledge of both natural and synthe  c fi bres. Co  on, jute, wool and silk are some natural
                 fi bres that were used earlier to produce various types of dresses, sarees, bags, shawls, pullovers and
                 other items. With the development in this fi eld, synthe  c fi bres such as nylon and terylene were also used
                 to manufacture clothes. These fi bres are strong, wrinkle-resistant and they dry quickly. These fi bres are
                 used to make dress materials, bed sheets, carpets, bags, blankets, towels, curtains and many other items.

                           Activity 1.6

                 Aim: To create a presenta  on on the role of chemistry in clothing industry
                 Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Role of Chemistry in Clothing Industry’. Use the Internet
                 for collec  ng informa  on and pictures.

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