Page 24 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 24
Take a Break!
Answer orally.
1. Name any two food preserva ves and state why they are used.
2. Why do we use cosme cs?
3. Name two natural fi bres and two synthe c fi bres.
4. Name any two medicines and state why they are used.
5. What is the importance of chemical industry?
Terms to Know
Science: The system of acquiring knowledge about various natural processes using observa on and
experimenta on to describe and explain various natural processes taking place around us
Chemistry: A branch of science that deals with the study of composi on and proper es of substances,
and how they react when combined with one another
Alchemy: An early philosophical and spiritual fi eld of study that integrated chemistry with metalwork
Alchemists: People who prac sed alchemy
Preserva ves: Chemicals used to preserve food and control the wastage of food
Food processing: The process of transforming raw food materials by physical or chemical method into
marketable food products
Cosme cs: Substances or products used to enhance the appearance of external parts of the human
Quick Review
• Science is both a body of knowledge as well as a con nuous ongoing process. It forms the basis of
our modern civiliza on.
• Chemistry is a branch of science dealing with the study of composi on and proper es of substances,
and how they react when combined with one another.
• Chemistry is of vital importance and plays a fundamental role in all aspects of life.
• Alchemy was an early philosophical and spiritual fi eld of study that integrated chemistry with
• The physical aspect of alchemy was the experimental study of the transforma on of base metals into
silver or gold.
• Various famous scien sts such as Antoine Lavoisier, Dmitri Mendeleev, John Dalton, J.J. Thomson,
Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr made signifi cant contribu ons in the fi eld of chemistry.
• Chemistry has contributed in various aspects of life – food and agriculture, medicine and healthcare,
cosme cs, clothing and many others.