Page 27 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 27


                    Observe the given image carefully and answer the following ques  ons.
                     1.  Name the scien  st shown in the image.

                    2.  What contribu  on has he made in the fi eld of chemistry?

                   APPLY YOUR LEARNING                                    LIFE SKILLS

                   A.  Kashish wants to prevent the growth of bacteria    Riya has prepared a fruit salad that she wants to
                      in food items. Which food preserva  ves should      preserve for a longer dura  on in order to avoid
                      she use?                                            wastage of food. What can you suggest her for
                   B.  Surbhi is suff ering from fever and moderate pain   preserva  on? Do you think was  ng food is a
                      due to cold. Her mother is not able to think of a   good habit?
                      medicine that she can give Surbhi. Can you think    Discuss the methods that can be adopted to
                      of a medicine that can be taken in this situa  on?  preserve food items and prevent their wastage.

                   INTEGRATE YOUR LEARNING

                   Integrate with Language
                   Write an ar  cle on the topic ‘Importance of Chemistry in Our Lives’ in about 300 words.
                   Integrate with Biology
                   Create a presenta  on on the topic ‘Commonly Used Food Items and Methods to Preserve These Food
                   Items’. Men  on various preserva  ves added to these food items. Insert related images, videos and sound
                   to your presenta  on with the help of the Internet.
                   Integrate with Geography
                   Name any three neighbouring countries of India. Find the names of any three chemical industries in each
                   country including India. Write a few lines about these industries sta  ng the details of products that they
                   manufacture. Paste related images. Make a project and give it a suitable heading.

                                                      PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES

                    Making a Web Chart
                    Make a web chart of the products that you use in a day. Divide them under the categories: Products
                    Used in Morning, Products Used in A  ernoon and Products Used at Night.
                    Organizing a Trip
                    •  Visit the Qutub Minar and the Iron Pillar, and collect informa  on about both the monuments such
                       as when they were made, who made them and what materials were used to construct them.
                    •  Visit chemical plant or chemical industry situated nearby with your teacher or parents and share
                       your experience in the class.

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