Page 23 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 23
Nature Care
Collect boxes/wrappers/containers of diff erent products that you use that fall under the studied applica ons of
chemistry. Now think and discuss about ecofriendly ways to dispose them.
Some More Benefi ts of Chemistry
• Petrochemicals: A number of products called petrochemicals are obtained from petroleum . Petrochemicals
include petrol, diesel, kerosene, LPG, paints and varnishes, wax and paraffi n. These products are obtained
using diff erent chemical processes.
• Building materials: Chemical processes are used to manufacture basic building materials such as cement,
mortar, steel, bricks, etc.
• Transport: The common means of transport such as buses, scooters, cars, trains, ships and aeroplanes
depend on fuel obtained through chemical processes.
• Electronics: The knowledge of chemistry has helped in the development of semiconductors such as silicon
and germanium. These semiconductors are widely used for manufacturing electric circuits in radios,
televisions, computer chips, calculators, solar electric cells, etc.
• Extrac on of metals: Metals are extracted from their ores by chemical processes. These metals are used in
the manufacturing of both industrial as well as consumer goods.
• Space research: Chemistry has contributed signifi cantly in the development of space technology by
producing be er quality and more powerful fuels, which in turn, helped us to launch space satellites.
Thirst for Knowledge
The development of chemistry has benefi ted mankind in a great way. But there have been some harmful
eff ects too.
• Pollu on: Vehicular exhaust and industrial smoke have resulted in air pollu on. The increased use of
insec cides and pes cides has resulted in soil and water pollu on. Industrial and sewage discharges
have also resulted in water pollu on. Combus on of petrol and diesel emit out harmful gases which
damage the ozone layer that protects us from UV rays. This results in global warming.
• Destruc ve chemicals and weapons: Diff erent destruc ve chemicals and weapons like RDX, TNT,
gunpowder, atom bombs, etc. have been produced. The misuse of these chemicals, explosives and
weapons create an atmosphere of fear leading to massive destruc on of human lives. Nuclear reactors
used for power genera on leave us with the problem of nuclear waste management.
• Side-eff ects of drugs: Drugs can disturb the hormonal cycle and cause condi ons of anxiety, insomnia
and other unwanted physiological eff ects. Overdose of drugs is harmful and may be fatal.
• Deple on of natural resources: Due to improved applica on of chemistry, there is an increase in
industrializa on that has led to the deple on of resources such as coal, petroleum, minerals and forests.
Deforesta on has resulted in an increase in the concentra on of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that
has resulted in the increase in temperature thus causing global warming.