Page 22 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 22


                 The knowledge of chemistry has helped us in discovering a vast range of new medicines. An  bio  cs such
                 as penicillin and ampicillin are used to treat infec  ons. Medicines like aspirin and paracetamol help to
                 cure diseases and lessen our physical miseries.

                 Drug discovery and development is driven by the knowledge of chemistry of various molecules and how
                 they are associated with life processes. Therefore, we can say that chemistry plays the most signifi cant
                 role in the development of drugs and con  nues to strengthen the growth of the pharmaceu  cal industry.

                 Let’s learn about some common medicines and their uses.
                     • Aspirin: Aspirin is used to reduce fever and treat
                        moderate pain from condi  ons such as common
                        cold, muscle aches and headaches.

                     • Paracetamol: Paracetamol is used to relieve mild to
                        moderate pain. It is also used to reduce fever.

                     • Penicillin: Penicillin is an an  bio  c that is used to
                        treat infec  ons caused by bacteria.

                           Activity 1.7

                 Aim: To conduct a discussion on the role of medicine in modern life

                 In groups of fi ve gather informa  on and conduct class discussion on the topic ‘Role of Medicine in Modern


                 Chemistry has contributed to the development of diff erent industries thus resul  ng in increased effi  ciency
                 of various industrial processes. This in turn has led to the produc  on of many useful materials such as
                 plas  cs, alloys, synthe  c rubber, synthe  c fi bers and tex  les.

                 Chemicals are used to make diff erent products in various industries thus playing an important role in our
                 daily lives. Industries manufacture various products such as dyes, plas  cs, fer  lisers, detergents, drugs,
                 paints, tex  les, stain removals, paper, glass, cleansing agents – soaps and detergents, and synthe  c fi bres.
                 These products have various benefi cial uses. Prepara  on of common salt from sea water, extrac  on of
                 sugar from cane sugar juice, extrac  on of metals, prepara  on of alloys and development of drugs is
                 possible because of the applica  on of various chemical processes.

                 The chemical industry is the most important industry and is very diverse; it produces a huge variety of
                 products that are used by other industries.

                 We can hence conclude that chemistry is of immense importance in the progress of human beings so far
                 in improving the global economy and has resulted in the improvement of living standards of people.

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