Page 17 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 17

new elements and compounds, and their applica  ons in developing medicines to help mankind were fi rst
                 addressed by the alchemists.

                                                          Thirst for Knowledge

                         The Iron Pillar near Qutub Minar in Delhi is 7 metre high and is
                         notable for the rust-resistant composi  on of metals that had been
                         used in its construc  on. The pillar is made up of wrought iron that
                         has not deteriorated due to rus  ng. The corrosion resistance is due to
                         the presence of an even layer of crystalline iron hydrogen phosphate
                         that forms high phosphorus content iron which protects the Iron
                         Pillar from the eff ects of Delhi’s clima  c condi  ons.

                           Activity 1.2

                 Aim: To create a PowerPoint presenta  on on Development of Chemistry

                 Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Development of Chemistry—Historical Perspec  ve’. You
                 can use the Internet for related informa  on, images and videos.

                 NOTABLE CHEMISTS

                 Chemists were scien  st engaged in chemical research or experiments. Let’s study about some famous
                 scien  sts and their contribu  ons to chemistry.

                 Antoine Lavoisier

                 Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (also Antoine Lavoisier) is considered the ‘Father
                 of Modern Chemistry’. Lavoisier is credited for discovering the role of oxygen in
                 combus  on. He also gave the ‘Law of Conserva  on of Mass’ that states that
                 mass is neither created not destroyed in a chemical reac  on. Lavoisier also
                 named oxygen and hydrogen.

                                            Dmitri Mendeleev

                                            Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was the fi rst scien  st who formulated the ‘Modern
                                            Periodic Table of Elements’. Mendeleev used the table to predict the existence
                                            and proper  es of new chemical elements.

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