Page 15 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 15

1              Introduction to Chemistry

                   Learning Outcomes                                                                 Key Concepts
                     Students will be able to
                   •  discuss the importance of chemistry in daily life and its role in diff erent industries   •  Chemistry—Meaning
                      and life processes.                                                      •  Development of
                   •  list important applica  ons of chemistry in day-to-day life.                Chemistry—A Historical
                   •  list some industrial applica  ons of chemistry.                             Perspective
                   •  discuss the bio sketches of some great scien  sts and their contribu  ons.  •  Notable Chemists
                   •  appreciate the pa  ence, perseverance, sacrifi ces and ethical work of scien  sts.  •  Importance of Chemistry
                                                                                               •  Food and Chemistry
                                                                                               •  Cosmetics and Chemistry
                                                                                               •  Clothing and Chemistry
                                                                                               •  Medicine and Chemistry
                                                                                               •  Chemicals in Industries

                                                            Warm Up Activity

                   Write the following.

                   •  Any three medicines you take: __________  __________  ___________
                   •  Any three food products you buy from the market:

                    ___________________  ___________________  ___________________

                   •  Any three cosme  cs: ___________  ___________  __________

                   You have named several things. All these things contain chemicals.
                   We will study about chemicals in detail in this chapter.

                 The word science comes from the La  n word Scien  a meaning knowledge. Science refers to the knowledge
                 a  ained through study or prac  ce. In simple terms, science is the system of acquiring knowledge using
                 observa  on and experimenta  on to describe and explain various natural processes around us. It is
                 both a body of knowledge as well as a con  nuous ongoing process. Science is the basis of our modern
                 civiliza  on. The applica  on of science has improved our life greatly with several benefi ts. New discoveries
                 and inven  ons have made our lives comfortable.


                 Science has two main branches: physical science and natural (or life) science. These two branches are
                 further divided into diff erent branches: Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Chemistry is a branch of physical

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