Page 11 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 11

Suggested Learning Resources  Sodium chloride, sodium   •  carbonate, sodium sulphate,   etc. Copper sulphate, water,   •   beaker, glass rod  • Survey  • Audio-videos/Films  • Projects  Visit to Eco park  •   • Bo le, a tub containing water     Literature related to   •  composi on of air and     descrip on of uses of the      components of air All equipment for doing simple   •   experiments   nguishes.

                      Suggested Transac onal Processes      vi es since morning in     Asking children to list out their ac  Giving group work/ac vity to children to conduct a survey of     the water resources in their neighbourhood/town/ city. • Conduc ng an ac vity in front of the whole class/in groups     to show the dissolu on of salts like sodium chloride, sodium     carbonate, sodium sulphate, etc. e.g., sea water has many salts    ni ons from the following     Encouraging children to derive defi Preparing a solu on of copper sulphate in whi

                         •  which water has been used.  •      dissolved in it.  •    on    es:   vi   ac                  • Ini   •            pollu on and ini      harves   •         •   enzymes etc.     ac   gases.  •   chemical processes.

                      Learning Outcomes  Students will be able to • define ‘solute’, ‘solvent’       on’; and ‘solu   infer that solu on is a      •  homogeneous mixture of   solute and solvent;   erent examples  • discuss diff   ons;  of solu  state reasons for pollu   •  of water resources and  suggest ways to conserve   water.  Students will be able to   erent  • describe diff components of air and    on; their composi  state the importance of   •  air for sustenance of life  and for other physical and   chemical processes;  describe the uses of

                         Importance of water in everyday life (household  purpose, industry, watering plants, etc.).  Capacity to dissolve many salts in it  ni on of Solute, Solvent and Solu  Reasons for water pollu on; its preven     Coopera on and working together, concern for others,  environmental awareness, problem solving  Air is present everywhere around us. Air – a mixture of gases namely, nitrogen, oxygen,  carbon dioxide, water vapour; dust and smoke as   • Percentage composi on of air    Uses of the components present (importance of  n

                      Key Concepts  Water resources (well, river, hand pump, lakes, pond,    on Importance of water for sustenance of life on earth   on;    oned)  ni on of atmosphere as layer of air around the

                         •   •   etc.)  •      • Defi  •   •  conserva on of water     Life Skills      on  Integra   Geography, Languages  •   •   pollutants.  •      • Defi  earth  Life Skills      on  Integra   Biology, Geography

                      Theme  4. Water                                   5. Air and   Atmosphere
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