Page 6 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 6

• Inclusion of visual learning: Every fi gure in the text is consistent in style as well as
                           content. This enrolls visual learning as a powerful ally in the teaching process. The
                           fi gures are carefully integrated with the explanatory text.

                        • Reinforcement of ideas: The most eff ec  ve way to learn Chemistry is to reinforce
                           what has already been taught. Keeping this in mind, the end-of-chapter Exercises
                           sec  on has been greatly expanded, off ering students various assessment tools.
                           The assessment doesn’t end there, however. These tools are carried over to our
                           website where students can get addi  onal ques  ons, answer
                           keys and worksheets.

                        • Careful edi  ng: The books have gone through a scrupulous edi  ng process by
                           experienced editors and the authors to eliminate inaccurate informa  on  or

                      We sincerely hope that the eff orts put in by us to develop the series will benefi t the
                      users. We welcome sugges  ons and cri  cal reviews by teachers which will help us to
                      improve our future edi  ons.
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