Page 9 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 9

Suggested Learning Resources  Children’s own experiences  •  Products used in daily life since   •   the morning  Visit to Qutab Minar  •  Visit to a Chemical plant/  •  industry under supervision   sts Photographs of scien   •   • Videos/PPTs   liser,   • Different samples of some     metal and non-metals Literature related to language   •   of Chemistry Periodic table of elements   •  with names and symbols of   elements Molecular model kit If   •  molecular kit is not available,    on  balls and s cks models can be

                        Suggested Transac onal Processes    Discussing with children and explaining the meaning and  importance of Chemistry in day to day life. Asking children to make a list of products used daily –  pencil, rubber, paper, ink, shampoo, deodorants, perfumes,  toothpaste, cosme cs. Discussing how Chemistry plays a role.    Discussing the development of Chemistry from the historical  perspec ve with facts – when alchemists a empted to convert     cheap metals to gold using philosopher stone, find a chemical     that would enable pe

                   SYLLABUS  Learning Outcomes  •  Students will be able to discuss the importance   •  of Chemistry in daily life    erent  and its role in diff  industries and life   •       ons  list important applica  of Chemistry in day to day   not succeed in their eff list some industrial  applica ons of Chemistry;    discuss the bio-sketches    sts  of some great scien   •  and their works;   ence,  appreciate the pa   class.   ces  perseverance, sacrifi  •  and ethical conduct of    sts.  jams, etc.  •   •   terylene.  •   •   stain removal

                              ve  •    ons to   processes;  •   life;  •   •   •   scien    cal atoms)      ng   up of iden   •   proper         •    erent      •   • separate diff  •      mixture.

                           Chemistry – Meaning and importance • Notable chemists/scien sts and their contribu  Chemistry (at least 3 scien   Food and Chemistry • Cosme cs and Chemistry Clothing and Chemistry Chemicals as Medicines  Chemicals in Industries  Languages, Biology, Geography  Element (a substance made up of iden   names of elements Origin of symbols of elements  element (O 2 , N 2 , H 2 )     elements. (H 2 O, CO 2 , NO 2 , CaO, ZnCl 2 ).  components are retained).      es). and their proper  • Separa on techniques of mixtures into the
                        Key Concepts  Development of Chemistry – A historical perspec       sts)  Use of symbols as short hand nota ons of wri      Names and symbols of first 20 elements    Molecules of elements contain atoms of the same  Compound (two or more than two elements combine   nite propor ons to form a compound.     Original proper es of the cons tuent elements are     lost and a substance with new proper es is formed). Molecules of compounds contain atoms of diff Mixture (components of more than one substance  combine in any propor on,

                           •   •   •      •   •   •    on  Integra             •                           •    xed defi  in fi        •         components:   Sieving      Sedimenta       Decanta       Filtra       Evapora       Magne
                        Theme  1. Introduc   to Chemistry                      2. Elements,   Compounds   and Mixtures
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