Page 13 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 13

Some More Assessment Tools Observe and Perform: Observing the    ons image and answering the ques  Apply Your Learning: Ques ons based on     Life Skills: Ques ons based on life skills     (coopera on and working together,     concern for others, environmental  awareness and problem-solving)   ng  Integrate Your Learning: Integra  learning with Geography and Language  vi es: Solving a crossword     puzzle, conduc ng a survey, performing an       ng   on, conduc  ac vity, preparing a solu  a class discussion, making a project

                         •   •   thinking skills  •   •   Projects and Ac   •         Water Pollu   •   •   •   thinking skills  •      •   Projects and Ac   •   •
                                       on of    on
                                               ng  ll the water

                         4.1 To find the water content in different food items To show that plants require fresh water To show that ice is lighter than water To show that water expands on freezing            on      on To prepare a saturated solu on of salt and water To separate salt from salt solu on by evapora   To show that air is present everywhere To observe that oxygen supports combus   To show that air contains water vapour To show that air contains dust par   To show respira on in plants

                       vi es       To study the presence of dissolved impuri es in natural water     nd applica on of specific capacity of water and of latent heat of  To observe the effect of size of solute par cles on the forma     To observe the effect of increase in temperature on the forma       on   cles To show that green plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis

                      Ac             To observe the effect of s rring on the forma on of a solu         To show that nitrogen does not support burning of candle To show that air that we breath out contains carbon dioxide To show that soil contains trapped air which is used by the  organisms living in soil and by the roots of plants to respire

                                        a solu
                                 4.6 To fi

                                            on,  4.9   of a solu   4.10   4.11   dries   on   5.1   5.2   5.3   5.4   5.5   5.6   5.7   5.8   5.9
                                               on  on,    lla    on, Preven    es between

                      Details of Contents SOURCES OF WATER Rainwater, Surface Water,  STATES OF WATER Water Cycle, Change in Density and    on Diseases Caused by Contaminated Water or Waterborne  PURIFICATION OF WATER Sedimenta on and Decanta      on, Chlorina on, Boiling, Aera     Ozoniza on, Water Purifiers and RO System, Dis     IMPORTANCE OF WATER FOR SUSTENANCE OF LIFE ON  • WATER POLLUTION  Causes of Water Pollu  FLOODS AND DROUGHTS  Flood, Drought  Proper es of Air, Evidence to Confirm that Air is a Mixture    Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxid

                         OCCURRENCE OF WATER  Groundwater Volume of Water with Temperature IMPORTANCE OF WATER • WATER A UNIVERSAL SOLVENT Solute, Solvent and Solu   • POTABLE WATER  Loading, Filtra      Need to Conserve Water   on of Water Pollu   AIR: A MIXTURE OF GASES    USES OF COMPONENTS OF AIR  IMPORTANCE OF AIR  Respira on and Combus     Respira on and Combus      • AIR POLLUTION  Causes of Air Pollu    on Reducing Air Pollu   • ATMOSPHERE

                         •   •   •   •         Diseases  •   •   EARTH     •   •   •      Smoke  •    Respira   •
                      Chapter Name  Water  4.               Air and   5.   Atmosphere
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