Page 16 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 16
science that deals with the study of composi on and proper es of substances, and how they react when
combined with one another.
Chemistry is everywhere around us. It helps us understand the world in a be er way and answer ques ons
about how things work.
The air we breathe, the food we eat, the clothes we wear and a lot more, everything is based on chemistry.
Activity 1.1
Aim: To iden fy the chemicals in various products used in daily life
Make a table of ten products that you use in your daily life such as paper, shampoo and toothpaste.
Use the Internet and discuss the role of chemistry in the development of these products. Display the
informa on in a tabular format and insert appropriate images.
Alchemy is considered important as it made a signifi cant contribu on in the evolu on of modern science.
Alchemy was an early philosophical and spiritual fi eld of study that integrated chemistry with metalwork.
It was also seen as an inves ga on of nature. Alchemy was scien fi c but spiritual as well.
Alchemists were the people who prac sed alchemy. These people were regarded as early chemists. Their
work contributed in laying the founda on for modern chemistry and medicine. Alchemists used chemicals
in metalworking, inks, paints, cosme cs, and to prepare extracts and liquors. These people were the fi rst
ones to learn the process of isola ng zinc and phosphorus. Their contribu ons helped in the advancement
of civiliza on. However, these alchemists related their work with what we call magic. The formulae, for
instance, were read as magic spells or rituals. There was no standardised scien fi c prac ce followed by
the alchemists.
The physical aspect of alchemy was the
Know Your Scientist
experimental study of the transforma on
of base metals into silver or gold. Alchemy Nagarjuna (931 CE) an Indian chemist who wrote a book
aimed at fi nding ‘philosopher’s stone’ which on the various aspects of chemistry,. The book tled
Rasaratnakara covered topics like extrac on of metals
was considered a mythical and magical
such as gold, silver and copper from their ores, and the
substance. It was believed that this substance
processes of dis lla on and sublima on.
would turn into gold on hea ng with a base
of iron and copper. Gold was considered to be the purest form of ma er and the perfect metal as it was
believed to be associated with health, wealth and immortality. The a empts by alchemists to fi nd the
magical substance were not successful, but due to this they performed various experiments with diff erent
metals and developed the processes for extrac on of metals and alloys to an extent.
By the late eighteenth century, the fi eld of chemistry had completely separated from tradi onal alchemy.
S ll we can say that alchemy played a vital role in the development of modern chemistry. Major concerns
that form a part of modern science such as experimenta on based on the scien fi c method, search of