Page 12 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 12

Some More Assessment Tools Observe and Perform: Observing the image    ons of scien st and answering the ques  Apply Your Learning: Ques ons based on     Life Skills: Ques ons based on life skills      ng  Integrate Your Learning: Integra  learning with Language, Biology and    vi es: Making a web chart      and organizing a trip Review Your Learning: Worksheet  Observe and Perform: Observing the    ons image and answering the ques  Apply Your Learning: Ques ons based on     Life Skills: Ques o

                                 AT LENGTH   a ng between concepts   ons  •      •   thinking skills  •   •   Geography  Projects and Ac   •   •   •   •   thinking skills  •   •   Projects and Ac   •   •   •   •   thinking skills  •      •   Projects and Ac   •   •
                                   Explaining the terms      eren   Long answer ques  • Iden fying the error(s)      cs      on and    er’   xed shape
                           Each chapter of the book consists of the following exercises in various forms

                     DETAILED CONTENTS
                                   •   • Diff  •                                                   ca on of Ma       le
                                                              ves                            on            nite shape   nite volume   er
                                                      vi es     Ac  1.1 To iden fy the chemicals in various products used in daily life To create a PowerPoint presenta on on Development of Chemistry    To prepare a PowerPoint presenta on on ‘The Great Chemists’    To create a presenta on on the role of chemistry in clothing  To conduct a discussion on the role of medicine in modern life  To study the symbols of first 20 elements of the periodic table To create a presenta on on carbon and its compounds 2.3 To iden fy mixtures that we come across in
                                 SHORT AND PRECISE   ons     To create a chart on food preserva  1.5 To find the chemicals present in commonly used cosme                tuents present  To separate chalk powder and water by fi To separate salt and water by evapora  To separate common salt and ammonium chloride To create a PowerPoint presenta on on ‘Classifi  To observe that ma er has mass    To show that ma er has mass    To show that ma er occupies space      er off To observe that solids have a defi To observe that solids have a defi be compressed and

                                   • Flowcharts  • Giving reasons  Short answer ques   •         industry     cons    on decanta   To show that ma   3.10   3.11   3.12   3.13   3.14

                                                                                                       er 3.3   3.4   3.5   3.6   erences in   3.7   3.8   3.9
                                         ons (MCQs)                               ca on of Elements            er,
                                 BE PROMPT  • Iden fying the error(s) in the given                         er
                                   Filling in the blanks  True or False • Mul ple choice ques         statements  Matching the columns  Details of Contents DEVELOPMENT OF CHEMISTRY A HISTORICAL  • NOTABLE CHEMISTS Antoine Lavoisier, Dmitri Mendeleev,  John Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, Niels Bohr FOOD AND CHEMISTRY Food and Agriculture, Food   SYMBOLS OF ELEMENTS Wri ng Symbols of an Element • COMPOUNDS Characteris cs of a Compound    ATOMS AND MOLECULES Atom, Molecule USES OF SOME ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS • MIXTURES Characteris cs of a
                                                        • CHEMISTRY MEANING  PERSPECTIVE   Alchemy  Processing  • ELEMENTS
                                   •   •      •                   IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY  COSMETICS AND CHEMISTRY CLOTHING AND CHEMISTRY MEDICINES AND CHEMISTRY CHEMICALS IN INDUSTRIES   Characteris cs of an Element, Classifi     SEPARATION OF MIXTURES     PROPERTIES OF MATTER  Ma er has Mass, Ma er Occupies Space,  Differences between Mass and Weight  Proper es of Three States of Ma  EFFECTS OF HEAT ON MATTER  Chemical Change on Hea

                                                     Chapter Name   on  IntroducƟ  1.   •   to Chemistry  •   •   •   •   •   •   Elements,   2.   Compounds   •   and   •   Mixtures  •   •      •  The Nature   3.    er  of MaƩ  •   •   •
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17