Page 10 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 10

Suggested Learning Resources  Different samples of solid,   liquid, gases Solid – wood, common salt,   pen, pencil  Liquid – water, milk  Gas – balloons  Water and burner Sugar, pebbles, beaker, burner  Ball and ring apparatus Test tube, cork, capillary tube,   Apple, milk in a container

                              es:                    •    es.   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   burner  •
                              vi                         es for    vi es with children of       erence in    cles.   c beaker.   vely.    er

                      Suggested Transac onal Processes    Discussing details of the ac vity of the forma on of FeS by     • Providing opportuni es to children to perform simple ac       ca on of water)     Sublima on (Iodine crystals/ammonium chloride),   Sieving (Rice powder/soil structure)  c separa on (Iron and sulphur)    Discussing reasons for preferring a par cular technique over      • Collec ng samples of some solids, liquids and gases and  asking children to group them on the basis of their proper  Lis ng the proper es on the basis of w

                           hea ng Fe and S.      Filtra on – (sand and water)     Sedimenta on (link to purifi     Decanta on (Tea brewing)       Naphthalene balls, Camphor.  Evapora on (Salt water)      Magne   another.             done classifi   on.   ca  their classifi  gases in detail. • Demonstra ng and then carrying out ac                   tu   cles cons        Carrying out ac    vi  Carrying out ac   on hea    on. sublima      For liquid- hea   capillary.  capillary.  can be shown/recalled. Chemical change – Burning of candle.

                         •                            •    es of   •    Milk).  •   par   •               •   •   •   •   •   •

                      Learning Outcomes           Students will be able to  discuss the proper   •  solids, liquids and gases;   er into  classify the ma   •   solid, liquid and gas;  discuss the inter-  •  conversion of one state of   ma er into another;      ect of  explain the eff  •    er showing  heat on ma   change of state,  expansion and chemical   change.

                            c procedural                erent       er.   ve thinking,

                      Key Concepts   on, systema     ca on of ma er into solid, liquid and gas     on the basis of proper es (shape, volume). Factors     responsible for the existence of ma er in diff Arrangement of atoms/molecules in solids, liquids  and gases:- intermolecular space, cohesive forces). There is space between the par cles of ma     • Effect of heat on ma er (expansion, change of state      Coopera on and working together, crea  decision making, conclusion, drawing

                         Life Skills Cri cal thinking, observa      development   on  Integra   Geography   er States of Ma     • Classifi  states.  •   •     and chemical change)  Life Skills      on  Integra   Physics, Languages

                      Theme                       3. The Nature    er  of Ma
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