Page 29 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 29

2              Elements, Compounds

                                     and Mixtures

                   Learning Outcomes                                                                 Key Concepts
                     Students will be able to
                                                                                               •  Elements
                   •  defi ne elements as substances made up of iden  cal atoms.
                   •  classify elements as metals and non-metals based on their proper  es.    •  Symbols of Elements
                                                                                               •  Compounds
                   •  defi ne compound and mixture, and discuss the diff erences between the
                      two.                                                                     •  Atoms and Molecules
                   •  use symbols of elements and molecular formulae of the compounds to       •  Uses of Some  Elements
                      represent their names as short hand nota  ons.                              and Compounds
                   •  separate diff erent components of samples of some mixtures.               •  Mixtures
                   •  discuss the reasons for selec  ng a specifi c technique for separa  ng the   •  Separation of Mixtures
                      components of a mixture.

                                                            Warm Up Activity

                   Observe and name any fi ve things around you. Classify them as solid, liquid or gas. Name the material that they
                   are made up of.
                                              Thing           Solid/Liquid/Gas          Material





                 In previous classes, we have learnt about ma  er and its states. We have also learnt that various states of
                 ma  er are the result of diff erent arrangements of their molecules. In this chapter, we will study about the
                 composi  on of ma  er in detail.

                 We can classify ma  er on the basis of some similari  es and dissimilari  es in their composi  on.

                     • Water and oil are both liquids but they diff er from each other because their composi  on is diff erent.

                     • Salt and sugar are solids but they are made up of diff erent kinds of ma  er and hence they diff er
                        from each other.

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