Page 215 - ICSE Math 5
P. 215
44. Which of the following pa erns has unit of repeat?
(a) Progressive pa ern (b) Repea ng pa ern
(c) Growing pa ern (d) None of these
45. The next number in the pa ern 12, 24, 36, 48, … is ______________.
(a) 62 (b) 54 (c) 60 (d) 72
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. 2 crores = ______________ million
2. The smallest 8-digit number is ______________.
3. The place value of 7 in 17,23,45,685 is ______________.
4. On adding LV and LX, we get ______________.
5. The value of C is ______________.
6. On subtrac ng LXVI from XCVIII, we get ______________.
7. The diff erence between 87,002 and 67,469 is ______________.
8. The sum of 5,78,45,246 and 21,78,45,518 is ______________.
9. In words, the diff erence between 67,84,567 and 21,35,879 can be expressed as
10. 27,000 ÷ 60 = ______________
11. 1,234 x 11 = ______________
12. On solving 88 ÷ 11 + 3 × 5 – 6, we get ______________.
13. The H.C.F. of 28 and 72 is ______________.
14. The L.C.M. of 18 and 36 is ______________.
15. The product of H.C.F. and L.C.M. is the ______________ of the two numbers.
16. The product of a frac on and its reciprocal is always equal to ______________.
17. ÷ 0 is ______________
1 7 4
18. + + = ______________
3 36 9
19. 0.31, 1.38, 1.89 and 5.84 are examples of ______________ frac ons.
20. On conver ng 0.76 into frac ons, we get ______________.
21. The place value of 6 in 78.635 is ______________.
22. The next three nega ve integers greater than –6 are ______________.
23. 5 + (–8) = ______________
24. On subtrac ng 7 from –3, we get ______________.
25. ______________ is an angle that measures 90⁰ and is formed by a ver cal line and a
horizontal line.