Page 212 - ICSE Math 5
P. 212

Attempt and Score

                     A.  Choose the correct answers.
                           1.  The place value of 9 in 7,59,52,823 is ______________.
                               (a) 90,00,000          (b) 9,00,000          (c)  90,000          (d)  9,000

                           2.  The smallest 8-digit number formed using 2, 4, 7, 0, 8, 9, 3 and 5 without repea  ng any digit
                               is ______________.
                               (a) 9, 87,54,320       (b) 2,03,74,589       (c)  2,03,45,789     (d)  2,03,54,789

                           3.  On rounding off  48,55,473 to the nearest 10, we get ______________.
                               (a) 48,55,470          (b) 48,55,475         (c)  48,55,480       (d)  48,55,400

                           4.  Which of the following symbols is used to represent 500 in Roman Numeral System?
                               (a) V                  (b) L                 (c)  D               (d)  C

                           5.  Which of the following Roman Numerals cannot be repeated in the forma  on of the
                               (a) X                  (b) M                 (c)  L               (d)  C

                           6.  The value of LVI in Hindu-Arabic numeral system is ______________.
                               (a) 46                 (b) 56                (c)  66              (d)  76

                           7.  The sum of 51,30,512 and 39,89,095 is ______________.
                               (a) 91,19,706          (b) 91,19,708         (c)  91,19,607       (d)  92,20,607

                           8. On subtrac  ng 35,154 from 65,890, we get ______________.
                               (a) 30,736             (b) 30,726            (c)  30,746          (d)  30,644

                           9.  The sum of two numbers is 5,89,900. If one number is 1,80,456, what is the other number?
                               (a) 4,08,444           (b) 4,07,444          (c)  4,09,444        (d)  4,00,894

                          10.  The product of 7,890 and 1,000 is equal to ______________.
                               (a) 789,00,000         (b) 78,90,000         (c)  7,89,000        (d)  78,09,000

                          11.  81,000 ÷ 30 = ______________
                               (a) 2,007              (b) 2,000             (c)  2,700           (d)  2,070

                          12.  On solving 2 + 3 x 8 ÷ 2, we get ______________.
                               (a) 20                 (b) 16                (c)  14              (d)  20

                          13.  Which of the following is not a mul  ple of 19?
                               (a) 207                (b) 133               (c)  95              (d)  228

                          14.  Which of the following is not a factor of 28?
                               (a) 7                  (b) 3                 (c)  14              (d)  28

                          15.  Which of the following pairs is co-prime?
                               (a)  5 and 25          (b)  39 and 81        (c)  43 and 97       (d)  51 and 85

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