Page 211 - ICSE Math 5
P. 211

Progress Worksheet

                     Mental Maths

                      1.  Look at the patterns carefully, identify the unit of repeat and extend them.

                            (a)                                                    ___________________

                           (b)                                                     ___________________

                            (c)                                                    ___________________

                           (d)                                                     ___________________

                      2.  Complete the following patterns.

                            (a)                                    _________ _________

                           (b)                                _________ _________

                            (c)                             _________ _________

                      3.  Extend the following patterns by identifying the pattern rule.
                            (a)  3, 6, 12, 24, ______, ______, ______

                           (b)  10, 15, 20, 25, ______, ______, ______

                            (c)             ______ ______ ______

                           (d)  A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7  ______ ______ ______

                      4.  Use the following codes to code the given messages.

                              A      B      C       D     E      F      G       H       I     J      K      L      M
                             26     25     24     23     22      21     20     19     18     17     16     15     14

                              N      O      P      Q      R      S      T      U       V     W       X      Y      Z
                             13     12     11      10     9      8      7       6      5      4      3      2      1

                            (a) I LOVE INDIA                              (b)  KEEP DELHI CLEAN

                      5.  Use the codes given in above question to decode the following messages.
                            (a) 14 26 7 19 8    18 8   21 6 13            (b) 16 22 22 11     8 14 18 15 18 13 20

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