Page 213 - ICSE Math 5
P. 213

                          16. On reducing       to its lowest terms, we get ______________.
                                    3                      9                    21                    7
                               (a)                    (b)                   (c)                  (d)
                                    5                      15                   35                    5
                          17.  Which of the following is the greatest frac  on?
                                     1                      1                   11                     4
                               (a) 5                  (b)  7                (c)                  (d) 3
                                     3                      2                    5                     5
                          18.  The product of    and zero is ______________.
                               (a) 1                  (b)                   (c) zero             (d) none of these
                          19.  What is the place value of 5 in 241.950?
                               (a) Tenths             (b) Hundredths        (c)  Thousandths     (d)  Tens

                          20. On conver  ng 0.95 to frac  ons, we get ______________.
                                    95                     95                     95                  9
                               (a)                    (b)                   (c)                  (d)
                                    100                    10                    1000                 4

                          21.  Which of the following are equivalent decimals?
                               (a)  0.7 and 0.70      (b)  0.21 and 2.1     (c)  4.55 and 45.55  (d)  1.31 and 0.131

                          22.  What is the predecessor of –1?
                               (a) –3                 (b) 0                 (c)  –2              (d)  1

                          23.  Which of the following integers lies to the extreme le   on the number line in comparison to
                              the other given integers?
                               (a) –5                 (b) 5                 (c)  –10             (d)  –1
                          24.  In which direc  on should we move to reach –5 from –8?

                               (a)  To the le    of –8                      (b)  To the le   of –5

                               (c)  To the right of –5                      (c)  To the right of –8
                          25.  An angle that measures more than 0° and less than 90° is called an/a ______________.
                               (a) acute angle                              (b)  straight angle

                               (c) obtuse angle                             (d)  right angle

                          26.  How many planes of symmetry does a cuboid have?
                               (a) Nine               (b) Three             (c)  Infi nite        (d)  Six
                          27.  Which of the following le  ers do not show symmetry?

                               (a) A                  (b) X                 (c)  J               (d)  B

                          28.  The perimeter of an equilateral triangle whose sides measures 3 cm each is ______________.
                               (a)  6 cm              (b)  12 cm            (c)  15 cm           (d)  9 cm
                          29.  The area of a square is 2,025 cm . What is the side of the square?
                               (a)  55 cm             (b)  35 cm            (c)  44 cm           (d)  45 cm

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