Page 217 - ICSE Math 5
P. 217

3.  Write the smallest and the largest numbers using the digit 9,7,5,0,2,6,8 and 1 without
                              repea  ng any digit.

                           4.  Write the following numerals in the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

                               (a)  DCC                       (b) CCXCVI                    (c) CDXXVI
                           5.  Write the following numerals in the Roman numeral system.

                               (a)  204                       (b) 312                       (c) 51
                           6.  Find the incorrect Roman numbers.

                               (a)  IV                        (b) VVV                       (c) IL
                               (d)  CD                        (e) CII                       (f) DCL

                           7.  Find the sum of 37,890 and 28,560 and write it in words.
                           8.  Subtract 67,890 from 1,23,456.

                           9.  The sum of two numbers is 5,67,895. If one number is 2,35,678, what is the other number?
                          10.  Solve the following.

                               (a)  96 ÷ 12 + 8 × 2 – 4                     (b)  2 + 406 ÷ 7 × 2 – 8
                          11.  A bag of rice weighs 120 kg. Find the total weight of rice in 7,890 such bags.

                          12. Es  mate the quo  ent to the nearest 10.
                               (a)  1,825 ÷ 19                              (b)  6,152 ÷ 29

                          13.  Write all the composite numbers between 70 and 90.

                          14.  Is 67,89,386 divisible by 11?
                          15.  Write the greatest 4-digit number and the product of its prime factors.

                          16.  Find the following products.
                                   21   7                                       72    9
                               (a)     ×                                    (b)     ×
                                   35   3                                        3   12
                          17.  Find the reciprocal of the following frac  ons.
                                   21                              8                             19
                               (a)                            (b)                           (c)
                                    5                              17                            7
                          18.  Divide the following frac  ons.

                                    49                             24   12                        1   7
                               (a)      ÷ 7                   (b)     ÷                     (c) 5  ÷
                                   147                             36   3                         4   8
                          19.  Write the following decimals in the expanded form.
                               (a)  0.84                      (b) 47.93                     (c) 3.464

                          20.  Change the following unlike decimals to like decimals.
                               (a)  1.09, 8.904, 4.5680, 8.7                (b)  67.89, 5.6, 3.8902, 4.78

                          21.  Arrange the following decimals in descending order.
                               (a)  0.75, 3.56, 0.68          (b)  6.78, 35.2, 0.72         (c)  3.56, 5.78, 23.5

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