Page 220 - ICSE Math 5
P. 220

Read the given bar graph and answer the following ques  ons.

                               (a) In which   me interval was the traffi  c maximum?
                               (b) In which   me interval was the traffi  c minimum?

                               (c)  How many vehicles passed during 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.?
                               (d)  In which hour was the traffi  c 2nd highest?

                          43.  Observe the given pa  erns and iden  fy their unit of repeat.



                          44.  Extend the following pa  erns by iden  fying the pa  ern rule.

                               (a)  13, 26, 39, 52, ______, _______, ________
                               (b)  17, 51, 153, 459, _______, _______, _______
                          45.  Find the next two square numbers for the given sequences.

                               (a)  16, 25, 36, 49, ______, _______
                               (b)  36, 49, 64, 81, ______, _______

                     D.  Solve the following and write the answer.
                           1.  Separate the given numbers into periods as per the Indian Number System and the
                               Interna  onal Number System. Also, write their number names in both the systems.

                               (a) 783620136                  (b) 403202174
                           2.  Write the following numbers in expanded form.
                               (a) 67,90,76,123               (b) 19,82,43,926

                           3. Round off  4,87,59,156 to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000.
                           4.  Solve the following and write the answers.

                               (a)  CM + LIX                  (b)  L + V                    (c)  CC – X
                           5.  Arrange  X, C, CX, DC and CM in an ascending and descending orders.
                           6.  Fill the boxes by using <, > or =.

                               (a) DI       500               (b)  XL      40               (c)  LXXIV      75

                               (d) XCV        95              (e)  MD        1600           (f)  XCVIII      132

                           7.  The number of pens sold on Saturday were 67,89,245 and that on Sunday were 1,45,678 less
                               than the pens sold on Saturday. Find:
                               (a)  the number of pens sold on Sunday.
                               (b)  the total number of pens sold on both the days.

                           8.  Calculate the actual and the es  mated sum of 4,90,456 and 3,70,243 by rounding off  the
                               numbers to the nearest 1,000.

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