Page 218 - ICSE Math 5
P. 218

22.  Subtract the following integers without using the number line.

                               (a)  8 from 6                  (b)  –17 from –12             (c)  8 from –2
                          23.  Add the following integers without using the number line.

                               (a)  (–67) + 63                (b)  38 + (–42)               (c)  (–65) + 65
                          24.  Write all the integers between –11 and 1.

                          25.  Draw the refl ec  on of the following fi gures.
                               (a)                            (b)                           (c)

                          26.  Draw the line(s) of symmetry in the following fi gures.
                               (a)                            (b)                           (c)

                          27.  Draw the plane(s) of symmetry for the following fi gures, if any.

                               (a)                            (b)                           (c)

                          28.  Find the perimeter of the given fi gures.
                               (a)                   (b)                7 cm              (c)       4 cm

                                              10 cm
                                     8 cm                   4 cm                    4 cm
                                                                                                            4 cm

                                           6 cm                         7 cm
                          29.  The area of a rectangular fi eld is 1,400 m . If the breadth of the fi eld is 20 m, fi nd its length.
                          30.  Find the perimeter of a square having side 7 cm.
                          31.  Convert the following as directed.

                               (a)  5 km 2 m to km            (b)  37 dL 7 cL 7 mL to L     (c)  8 g 6 dg 2 cg 8 mg to g
                          32.  Subtract 136 kL 869 L from 768 kL 168 L.
                          33.  Add 6 km 7 hm 2 dam 8 m; 7 km 1 hm 8 m and 4 hm 6 m.

                          34.  Ankit plays cricket for 2 hours every day.  How many hours does he play in a week?
                          35.  Convert 6 hours and 23 minutes to minutes.

                          36.  Subtract the following.
                               (a)  8 h 30 min from 17 h 56 min             (b)  6 h 47 min from 21 h 45 min
                               (c) ` 897.90 from ` 2,308.67

                          37.  Convert the following percentages into frac  ons.
                               (a)  76%                       (b) 57%                       (c) 28%

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