Page 207 - ICSE Math 5
P. 207

Exercise 15.2

                      1.  Extend the following patterns by identifying the pattern rule.
                           (a) 3, 6, 9, 12, ______, ______, ______

                           (b)                                      _________ _________

                            (c)                                    _________ _________

                      2.  Find the missing number or shape of the following progressive patterns.

                            (a)                                      _______________

                           (b)  10, 100, 1,000, _____, 1,00,000

                            (c)                                                                 _______________

                    Patterns with More Than One Characteristic

                    There are some patterns that exhibit more than one characteristic and have more than one unit
                    of repeat. Look at the following pattern formed by the buttons.

                    In the given pattern, colour, size and number of holes in a button are its characteristics. These
                    help to identify the sequence of the pattern.
                    Patterns can also be made using numbers and letters together. Look at the examples shown below.

                                      A B 1  C D 2  E F 3  G H 4    Z 10  Y 9  X 8  W 7  V 6  U 5
                    Numbers and letters together can be used for coding and decoding messages. Look at the given
                    example to understand this better.

                    Example:      Shonali codes her phone number on a paper and gives it to her friend. The code
                                  for the phone number is EUTIHZPI. Decode it using the given codes to get Shonali’s
                                  phone number.
                                  0    1     2     3     4    5     6     7     8     9

                                  Z    A     E     I    O     U     H     P     R     T
                    Solution:     On decoding EUTIHZPI, Shonali’s phone number is 25936073.

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