Page 204 - ICSE Math 5
P. 204

                            15            P

                     Learning Outcomes

                         Students will be able to learn:
                          patterns with a unit of repeat and their extension.
                          progressive patterns and their extension.
                          patterns with more than one characteristic.
                          triangular and square numbers.

                    Patterns are a group of shapes, numbers, designs or letters that are arranged in a particular
                    sequence according to a rule. They usually repeat themselves or grow or reduce in a predictable
                    An element is any single item or step of the pattern. We can arrange numbers, shapes and figures
                    together to make patterns. Let’s revise the concepts related to patterns that we have studied
                    earlier and learn more about patterns in this class.
                    Patterns with a Unit of Repeat                                               Remember

                    A pattern with an identifiable unit of repeat is called a repeating     A unit of repeat or core
                    pattern. It can be made using different shapes, sizes, colours,         is the smallest unit that
                    letters and numbers.                                                    repeats again and again
                                                                                                 in a pattern.
                    Observe the patterns shown below and their unit of repeat.

                    Pattern of Shapes

                              Unit of repeat

                    Pattern of Sizes

                                   Unit of repeat
                    Pattern of Colours

                                  Unit of repeat

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