Page 200 - ICSE Math 5
P. 200

Exercise 14.4

                      1.  The line graph shows some of the favourite leisure             Y-axis
                           activities of students of a class.                           25          Y-axis: 2 units = 5 students
                          Read the line graph carefully and answer the
                           following questions.                                         20

                            (a)  Which leisure activity is the most liked by the        15
                           (b)  Which leisure activity is the least liked by the       Number of students  10
                                students?                                                5
                            (c)  How many students like watching TV than
                                                                                         0                         X-axis
                                reading books?                                                Playing  Watching  Reading  Visiting
                                                                                              sports  TV  books  friends
                           (d)  How many more students like playing sports                      Leisure activities
                                than watching TV?

                      2.  The given line graph shows the number of students who                  Y-axis
                           were absent in five examinations.                                          Scale:
                                                                                                10    Y-axis: 1 unit = 1 student
                          Read the line graph carefully and answer the following                 9
                           questions.                                                            8
                            (a)  In which exam the maximum number of students were               6
                                absent?                                                          5
                           (b)  In which exam the minimum number of students were              Number of students  4
                                absent?                                                          3

                            (c)  How many more students were absent in exam V than in            2 1
                                exam IV?                                                         0                  X-axis
                                                                                                     I  II  III IV  V
                           (d)  What is the number of students who were absent in                      Exam
                                exam III?
                            (e)  How many more students were absent in exam II than in exam I?

                            Review Exercise

                                                                                                        Number of
                      1.  Represent the given data using a pictograph.                  Game             Students
                           Give a suitable title to the pictograph.
                                                                                      Football               7
                          Now answer the following questions.                         Cricket               12

                            (a)  Which game is the most liked by the students?        Badminton             10
                           (b)  How many students like to play football?              Volleyball             9

                            (c)  Which game is the least liked by the students?       Tennis                11
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